View Full Version : Niter coming through filter

03-11-2023, 12:23 PM
Hey there,
I’ve been boiling like I have every season but this year filtering has been an issue. I have 74 taps and boil in a 2x5 flat pan. I finish on the stove and normally use an orlon filter with pre filters. This year it seems like the niter is going right through the filter. My syrup is cloudy when I bottle. The next day you can see the niter settled on the bottom of the bottle. I built a vacuum filter a couple of years ago which works fairly well but it’s doing the same thing. I’m in eastern Ontario. Im on my 4th boil and I'm at a loss…
Any ideas would be appreciated.

03-11-2023, 12:56 PM
Make sure you keep track of which side is which for each filter. Reversing it can be a cause of this.

Also, some years are different than others and some of the Niter can be ultra fine and get thru. I seemed to have a little of that a few years ago.

Try rins9mg your orlon filter really well from the finish side backwards. Then boil it in a large pot one or two times and replace your pre-filters and try again.

blissville maples
03-12-2023, 08:53 AM
If filtering extremely hot niter can form of the syrup is over 190 after being filtered. It can form right in the container

03-12-2023, 09:15 AM
Also, if you are preheating your bottles above 200 degrees, niter can form in the bottles.

03-12-2023, 04:49 PM
When you used your home made vacuum filter were you using de (diatomaceous earth)? I’m was thinking a vacuum filter would be pretty decent upgrade for my size operation. Maybe I’m just better to put that cash towards a press.

I had the issue of filtering syrup that was too hot before. I couldn’t figure out what was up then I herd or saw a post about it maybe being over the 200f mark after it passed the filter. I allowed it to cool to 200 then filtered and it was clear again.

My other thoughts are maybe time for a some new Orlon filters. I’ve herd they do have a shelf life. How much syrup that is beats me.

A few years ago I started using the flat sheets on a 18x18x16 finishing pan I use to finish and some times bottle when I have big batches. I get 24x24 sheets and pre filter sheets. Have them about 3 inches deep in the pan and I can usually get 7-10gal through it before it really slows. It just gives so much more surface area to filter. I’ve also had much better luck with clarity. I’ve never had great luck or enjoyed those cone style ones.usually for me once the cone ones slow down not even pulling the first pre filter helps.

maple flats
03-12-2023, 06:01 PM
Sometime along the times you used the orlon filter did anyone else "help" you clean the orlon filter? If yes, they might have inadvertently wrung the filter out, thus breaking some fibers. Also, try using some (or more) Filter aid. stir it well, then pour the blend into the filter frame, it will help, best if you use 5-6 prefilters on top of the orlon filter., maybe even run it thru 2x, without cleaning off the filter combination, (the filter cake will help filter it better), be sure the syrup is still hot enough, if too cool, heat it just enough to get it to 185 but not over 190F.