03-05-2023, 06:56 PM
The last couple years have seen major upgrades to my RO.
I originally had 1 membrane. Then 2 and now 4 this year.
Every year I do the final wash at the sugar house. Take the membrane out and put in storage vessel with storage solution. I then lug it back to my house and down into the basement where it stays all summer amd all winter. Then lug it back out to the sugar house from the basement. It痴 the most awkward thing to move. Especially with 4 housings on it now.
We have a secure lockup at our sugar house that I would like to just wheel the RO into after taking the membranes out and just lock it up for the off-season. This area is not heated though in the winter.
So my thoughts were to remove membranes and bring them into basement. drain system. Run RV antifreeze through the system and circulate it so it reaches every part of the RO. Then drain it out.
Kind of like winterizing an RV for the winter.
When I go to set it up for maple in the spring. I値l flush system out with water at least 100 gallons like usual.
Then install membranes for the season.
I知 sure I知 not the only one doing this.
Any thoughts. Suggestions ?
I originally had 1 membrane. Then 2 and now 4 this year.
Every year I do the final wash at the sugar house. Take the membrane out and put in storage vessel with storage solution. I then lug it back to my house and down into the basement where it stays all summer amd all winter. Then lug it back out to the sugar house from the basement. It痴 the most awkward thing to move. Especially with 4 housings on it now.
We have a secure lockup at our sugar house that I would like to just wheel the RO into after taking the membranes out and just lock it up for the off-season. This area is not heated though in the winter.
So my thoughts were to remove membranes and bring them into basement. drain system. Run RV antifreeze through the system and circulate it so it reaches every part of the RO. Then drain it out.
Kind of like winterizing an RV for the winter.
When I go to set it up for maple in the spring. I値l flush system out with water at least 100 gallons like usual.
Then install membranes for the season.
I知 sure I知 not the only one doing this.
Any thoughts. Suggestions ?