View Full Version : Eastern Township Quebec 2023

03-04-2023, 05:12 PM
Good evening,

Tapping completed. 15 days later then last year and 1month later then 4years ago.

2days of good windows this week, that will clean the line and check the vacuum.

I guess Punxsutawney Phil was right!!!!!!!

Have a nice season and have fun.


03-16-2023, 07:42 PM

Good start today 100g of sap .. the next 2days should be good. My new Small RO will run hard tomorrow. Saturday will be a good boiling day.

Sap is barely 2brix…but i tried a small quantity with my new toy and i was able to get 8brix…very anxious to see how my boiling day will be Saturday with that sap on “steroids “..

Have Fun!


03-22-2023, 10:35 PM
Good evening,

Good boiling day… my new RO is fantastic. The intake is installed directly in my incoming box of the evaporator. After 1hr i was able to fire the evaporator.

The concentrate was directly returned on the other side of the incoming box. I adjusted the flow to run directly in the evaporator will running.

Now i’m able to boil and skip a day and boil from 8 to 4 . Not bad for an amateur who have fun.


03-23-2023, 11:08 AM
Can you pls post more pictures of your RO assembly.
Looks great and portable>

How do you rinse the filters ?

03-23-2023, 07:46 PM
Good evening,

I’ll make a small video tomorrow

Ps. For cleaning i use the same process explained with the RoBucket. That is the most simplified way to rinse it.

03-25-2023, 08:21 AM
Here is what is the RO installed


03-27-2023, 07:59 PM
Goos evening,

Another great day of boiling… , SAP is running normal at just 2brix. But with the RO i run between 7,8 brix to start.

But the really good part is running in warm SAP the flow is amazing compare to cold SAP.

Need to work on the 3/16 tomorrow Vacuum is down.

Have fun!

maple flats
03-28-2023, 08:19 PM
Looks good on the Japa 365, pre-seasoned wood, great idea.

03-30-2023, 07:32 AM
Good morning

Well no boiling for few days again….

-8c this morning.. i finished last night and empty everything , the next 48hrs are frozen..

We are 2 weeks behind with that weather.. it will be a quiet weekend.


04-06-2023, 08:52 AM
Good day!

Freezing rain since yesterday. But no damage yet only small piece all over the place.

Forecast today mid afternoon is 10c. Starting Monday over 12c everyday and no minus for the next 10 days.

May be the end. We are in high altitude at 10km of the Maine border.

Strange weather most of everyone in the area have not reach their normal volume.

The next 2 days will be probably the last boiling.

Have a great day

04-07-2023, 05:26 PM
Good evening,

Finally it was a great day 6G of syrup ..not that bad for a small 2x6 D&G…. Was fun!

Last boiling in 48 hrs and after that temperature will be too high.


04-10-2023, 05:42 AM
Probably the last day of boiling today. 200 g of sap in the tank + plus today flow.

-2 right now will be +12 this aft. By the end of this week +20c…

Have a great day!

Ps: strange nothing below zero in the forecast at all for the next 15 days. But still 2f of snow on the frozen ground

04-10-2023, 05:02 PM
What a great day.. but little warm inside of the shack.

Not done yet , SAP is still flowing ,i’ll continu tomorrow after 6hrs of boiling and 5g of syrup time to relax this evening.

But i got Sap on steroids this morning to start. 8 brix the RO did a fantastic job…


04-11-2023, 04:47 PM

I’m not done yet. 4 hrs of boiling today and still SAP running tonight. Snow melt very fast and even at 17:00 still 16c outside.

I left with 100 gallons of Sap in the tank. May be tomorrow will be the end.

Ps; it’s too bad i cant upload photo .. strange.

Have a good night

04-12-2023, 09:00 PM
Today was my last day for boiling

Still flowing a little bit. But too warn inside of the shack and forecast for the next days is over 20c… time to prepare the Dock and the boat.

Finally my new RO save me 2/3 of the wood. I was able to use all of my permeate for everything (few adjustment needed but very satisfied).

I did not do any Dark.. the last 3 days save the season.
Now time to cleanup and un tap.

Happy Summer.
Have Fun!