View Full Version : Difference in DE

02-28-2023, 07:16 AM
Ok trying to understand which brands/types of DE to use as filter aid for the final filtering of syrup? I understand that it should have the label of "food grade" but is there anything else specific to look for? I also understand that many people just suggest to purchase thru a maple supplier but my thought is that there is not any maple supplier that is an actual manufacturer/producer of DE just resellers.
There is several places I can find "food grade" DE locally and not have to pay for shipping or their "markups".

Here is some I can get at TSC 22950. 22953

Then you got the CDL distributed thru Roth Sugar Bush22954

Which is the same brand and no labeling different as this "pool filter aid"22955

So I guess my questions are first, is the DE from TSC suitable to use for filter aid for maple syrup?
Then my next questions are does CDL/Roth Sugar Bush just redistribute pool filter DE as their "food grade" DE to be used in the maple syrup filtering?
What are the lable specifics to look for when purchasing DE for maple syrup filtering?

02-28-2023, 07:27 AM
I would go with a maple dealer for your DE. Then you are sure you are getting the right stuff for filtering maple syrup.

02-28-2023, 07:34 AM
But when a "maple dealer" is just reselling pool filter DE then what is the "right stuff" as you have put it.

western mainer
02-28-2023, 08:55 AM
As a long time maple person, be safe by from a maple dealer!

02-28-2023, 09:58 AM
Sometimes it makes sense to go tractor supply............like for valves, some fittings and galvanized wire to name a few. Not for DE. Maple DE is not pool DE rebagged. Don't over think it, just get it from a maple supplier as suggested.

02-28-2023, 10:03 AM
Never really said "rebagged" I just stated the CDL/Roth Sugar Bush is selling the samething. Not rebagged but the same. At least from what they have showing on their website. I would really love to see the MSDS for the DE from maple suppliers. Then we would really know the difference

02-28-2023, 01:55 PM
I haven't been to TSC looking for DE but if they sell maple equipment, who knows- it could be the same. Just don't assume it is unless you can prove like the way you suggested. But all DE is very specific. And don't trust the picture of a bag. We've been on the same 50 lb bag of DE for several years and we make around 50 gallons/year. It's not a huge expense in the grand scheme.

02-28-2023, 04:26 PM
But when a "maple dealer" is just reselling pool filter DE then what is the "right stuff" as you have put it.

Then Sir, that would be the Wrong "maple dealer".
Maple people that I've met are not in it for a fast buck.
Find a CDL, H2O, Lapiere dealer - they're in it for the long haul.

02-28-2023, 04:56 PM

02-28-2023, 05:50 PM
Ok here's what I've found out based on the Safety Data Sheets.
The TSC DE is not the same as the DE distributed thru Leader.
Now here's some more information, now we have all agreed on that there is many types of DE on the market, and that there is different types of DE labeled for pool filtering. The DE sold thru Leader is also pool DE as per their Safety Data sheet, even though they say otherwise in the description. The type of DE you are wanting to use for maple syrup is called Flux -Calcined Diatomaceous Earth. And it is also used as pool DE along with many other industries.

Here is the link thru Leader for the Safety Data Sheet

And here is the link for the Safety Data Sheet for the DE sold at TSC.

Now this info is all publicly available, so don't shoot the messenger.

western mainer
03-01-2023, 08:36 AM
Well you are so smart! Use what you want and when some one gets sick and sues you, you may listen to the ones that are tell you where to by it.

03-01-2023, 09:28 AM
It just boggles my mind that people refuse to learn what they are using and just simple "take others word" as in "since the maple supplier sold it they must be right" like how does no one want to know why what they sell is the "RIGHT" stuff. Like what puts the maple suppliers word over exactly what the MSDS says that they provide?
No one cares to know, just takes others word so they can, I guess, blame someone. But if it known facts that there is no maple supplier that also produces DE so they all source it from some other companies. But no one cares to want to know what it actually is just that "well it came from a maple guy so yeah that's how I know it's good" That just doesn't sit well, and is an example of how our society is just getting dumber if people refuse to look into things.

western mainer
03-01-2023, 11:00 AM
You will find if your syrup has a recall they will come and ask where you got the DE do what you want, this is my last word on this, people like you make it hard for the ones that are doing it right. This is coming from a person that does training go to the Maine maple producer web sight and go to the mentor program that's me!

Super Sapper
03-01-2023, 11:10 AM
Several people have tried "food grade" DE with not so good results. The particle size needs to be consistent and of the right size. If you have finer particles in it, that will bind your filter. An SDS sheet on food grade DE may be the same for all food grade DE no matter what the size or consistency of size. Maple dealers have the source for the DE that will work properly and is approved for use in food. Otherwise they would be liable for lawsuits. If you want to try on your own, go ahead. Don't belittle the people who have experience and are doing things the proper way. When you do let us know how much you saved so we can learn from you, or more likely how much extra it cost you to experiment.

03-01-2023, 11:29 AM
Wow the attacking, its unreal that people refused to understand info and accuse me of informing people wrong.
So I even took this a step further and contacted Dicalite customer service and they got me in touch with one of their reps and we had a good discussion about their products. He was very informative and stated yes DE is used in many industries and that there is many misunderstandings around DE products. To spare you guys with any details as it seems no cares about anyways but in the Dicalite line the have several products that is used for the maple industrial for syrup filtering. The recommendation were to use any of the Dicalite #4200; #5000; or #6000 as those are the right size for filtering.
Again all called Flux -Calcined Diatomaceous Earth
I don't expect many of you guys to care since this wasn't information coming from a "maple guy" as many have put. But the source is usually good information for me

03-01-2023, 02:38 PM
Maybe if you weren't hiding behind a bogus name and starting **** from your first post people might take you seriously, but here you are! OH

03-01-2023, 03:00 PM
Maybe if you weren't hiding behind a bogus name and starting **** from your first post people might take you seriously, but here you are! OH

"Bogus name" 90% of the screen names used on here are not people's real names but ok not sure what you're trying to prove with that point.
And then you're saying by simply asking questions to why a certain type of DE is being used and reasoning, is "starting **** from your first post people might take you seriously" please explain that one

Ah it makes sense why you're attacking me, you're a rep that never asked the why and what he sells just resells it. Sorry for trying to be an informed customer.

03-01-2023, 05:06 PM
"Bogus name" 90% of the screen names used on here are not people's real names but ok not sure what you're trying to prove with that point.
And then you're saying by simply asking questions to why a certain type of DE is being used and reasoning, is "starting **** from your first post people might take you seriously" please explain that one

Ah it makes sense why you're attacking me, you're a rep that never asked the why and what he sells just resells it. Sorry for trying to be an informed customer.

I don’t see anyone attacking you, I do see a new member who’s having a difficult time with answers to his/her questions.
No need to get on the defensive.

03-01-2023, 05:20 PM
I don’t see anyone attacking you, I do see a new member who’s having a difficult time with answers to his/her questions.
No need to get on the defensive.
See my main problem to begin was, yes I wasn't comfortable with the answers originally given because they were very vague. Like just get it from here and then that's it. I came to the forum to see if people actually had answers to why. I get it a majority of the people that post here are rep/dealers but I like to know the why I guess call it a pet pieve. So I guess it was a slight blessing in disguise because I called the manufacturer and got actual answers. It's not just the "food grade" that makes it what you need like what everyone says you need. I found out that mostly it's the manufacturing equipment that makes it food grade along with other things but some companies only use the food grade equipment for all their products, so that's when it comes down to the course size of it
I now realize i should not have posted and just continue to read around here.

03-02-2023, 07:02 AM
Except for the name-calling, I found this an interesting thread. I did not realize that there were differences between one Food Grade DE and another and, as I have been having issues with my vacuum filtering (filters clog right off the bat), the idea there are different sizes of diatoms is revelatory.

I am not a rep and I do use a pseudonym here.

03-02-2023, 08:04 AM
Except for the name-calling, I found this an interesting thread. I did not realize that there were differences between one Food Grade DE and another and, as I have been having issues with my vacuum filtering (filters clog right off the bat), the idea there are different sizes of diatoms is revelatory.

I am not a rep and I do use a pseudonym here.

I agree completely. Interesting topic and could have stayed that way.

03-02-2023, 09:44 AM
Just to add to some of the confusion... some people actually eat this stuff. Not sure why, but whatever.

So I think (maybe) the food grade stuff might not be what you want to filter maple syrup, as long as it does not contain other harmful chemicals (such as lead).

03-02-2023, 10:13 AM
Been following this thread. All good information. Of course, DE is a sourced product for the maple industry. That means dealers need to recoup cost for the time involved sourcing it/shipping it/ect/ect, but of course you could source it yourself (probably cheaper because DE companies are more a CPG company for the manufacturing industry). Depending on mark-up in our area you may or may not pay through the nose to get it from a dealer but thats the individual persons choice. I will say there is nothing wrong with people being comfortable with their dealer and buying it from them (I am guilty of this).

You want another one to follow up on that is a sourced product. Look up pan acid. You can buy the same thing as sani-clean from the dairy industry at about 1/2 the price. I still choose to buy from my maple dealer for a couple reasons, but I do it knowing I am overpaying. Call it stupidity or whatever you would like.

03-04-2023, 07:52 AM
wouldnt the "maple dealer" have already done the leg work to make sure the DE they sell is the proper stuff we need ?,