View Full Version : More Deer run 250 problems

02-26-2023, 04:20 PM
Calling all electricians……deer run 250 shut off today during a low pressure wash. Obviously electrical problem. I checked the outlet and still have 240v at the out let. I have zero electrical knowledge……
I’m not sure if the main power button is bad, the contactor, of something else. Here is a picture of the contactor…… I can push the center in and the RO runs.

Father & Son
02-27-2023, 02:22 AM
Bypass the low pressure switch. Switch might be bad. All else fails call Ray.

02-27-2023, 02:20 PM
I agree. It sounds like the low pressure cut off needs fine tuning or replacement. I had a similar issue with the high pressure cut off. It was cutting out at 250/260. Just the tiniest of adjustments and some trial and error took care if it. I'm sorry, I don't have experience with adjusting the low pressure switch.

I'm assuming you've ruled out a clogged filter or ice in the line. Both of those cause the switch to trip.

02-27-2023, 02:45 PM
Did you guys just jumper the low pressure shut off to test it. I talked to Ray and he was of zero help.

02-28-2023, 05:06 PM
After swapping a couple parts out, it was the main contacter switch, $125 in stock at the local electrical shop.

03-05-2023, 10:19 PM
Just fried the new contactor after about 6 hours of running. I smelled some electrical and by the time I got the infrared thermometer on it it was 150 degrees then blew…… WTF22982

03-06-2023, 04:05 AM
I had the same problem last year with my RO’s motor contactor.
I don’t have a Deer Run. But use the same contactor.

I found that I had a bad neutral connection to the coil. I can’t see from the picture the coil connections. Or can I see the contactor model number. But they will be the ones in the middle. Smaller wires with the crimp connectors on them. You may have a loose crimp connection somewhere down the line. Or a broken wire. Or your neutral connection to your cord is not wired properly. What kind of scares me is that I see two white wires comming from the relay and the coil of the contactor going to the ground screw. That kind of has me thinking that the way this is wired he is using the ground as a neutral wire. So you’re not getting a dedicated neutral. You’re now using basically everything metal on your RO as a current carrying conductor. Not good.
What does the cord look like for the RO ? Does it have 4 prongs or 3. That would answer the question right there.

Im assuming that it’s a 120v coil on the contactor. Or the one you installed is 12v coil and you’re putting 120v through it. Wouldn’t last long if that was the case.

Another scenario is that you have a bad pump and it’s drawing more amps than the contactor can take. If you have a clamp on style multimeter you can run your pump for a bit and test this. If it’s drawing over what the pump motor is rated for then that’s your problem.