View Full Version : Coronwater 8900 runs hot and loud, is this normal?

02-26-2023, 07:20 AM
Hi all - this is my second weekend running my newly built RO with a Coronwater typ 8900. I’m used to the Aquarec 8852 which runs much quieter and cooler. By comparison, measuring the temperature at the end of the pump opposite the diaphragm the aquatec measures about 88-90F the Coronwater 118F. Both were pushing 1.5% sap at 110psi. Both had been running for about 6 hours. Also, it is quite loud. That’s not a problem because it’s out in the garage where no one can hear it, but it’s just worrying.

Can anyone else running this pump tell me if this is normal?

I’m trying to load a video and pictures… let’s see if this works:
http://https://drive.google.com/file/d/14lgNQngtbT3Kt_S_-Xo2L3qzLA1NtShD/view?usp=drivesdk (https://drive.google.com/file/d/14lgNQngtbT3Kt_S_-Xo2L3qzLA1NtShD/view?usp=drivesdk)

Trying a different way…


And an attempt at a photo,


Any help is appreciated!

02-26-2023, 03:12 PM
Yeah thats normal for it to be louder and a bit hotter than the smaller aquatec pump.

02-26-2023, 03:44 PM
What pressure would you run on a 5x400gpd setup like that? I’ve been keeping it at 110 max because of the temperature on the pump.

02-26-2023, 07:45 PM
I tend to run mine around 115 psi +/- 5 psi.