View Full Version : sugar bush management plan

01-29-2008, 09:52 AM
i was told that i should come up with a sugar bush management plan and i have a peice of paper on it but i was wonder how many people use actually have a sugar bush management plan and if you do have one daos it help or is it a pan cuz buy the looks of it it is a pain in the but

Jeff E
06-17-2008, 11:15 AM
As a planner by trade, I will aways say make a plan....
"a failure to plan is a plan to fail"

How complex or simple is the question. If it for your own use, only make it as complicated as you want.

I have a plan for my 40 acres, based on maple production. I use so I thin areas systematically, in other words I dont go out and cut randomly throughout the woods, but concentrate on an area that needs it most. This saves time, gas, damage to lines and minimizes damage to crop trees. It is also another excuse to be outside dreaming of what could be...

Some guys can keep their plan in their head, some of us need a piece of paper to keep us on track!

Gary R
06-17-2008, 07:49 PM

A management plan is a great idea. I had one written based on wildlife and timber. I would think the government (ministry of forestry?) could help you. As Jeff said, the plan could be very simple or complex. It is up to you how involved you want to be. At the least they should be able to provide you with literature. If you go with a private forester make sure he understands a sugarbush. A forester that only deals in timber production may want to see tall straight trees. Your looking for large crowns and good sugar content. Good luck and plan for the future!