View Full Version : Did I kill my RO membranes?

02-19-2023, 02:25 PM
I stored my RO membranes (150 gpd and 300 gpd DIY versions) in RO soap over the winter. I thought it would stop things from growing in it and keep them wet,

I did a rinse and set up to run like normal. It seemed ok when starting up; pressure went to 120psi and decent flow through permeate and concentrate. But when I checked it a few hours later, the permeate rate had dropped to a trickle. I did an acid wash hoping this would help, but after restarting, the permeate flow rate is still a trickle.

The permeate is still ok (2-3 ppm TDS). The sap is very cold but I've run it cold before.

I've ordered a new 400gpd membrane. The membranes are probably 5 years old.

blissville maples
02-20-2023, 05:57 AM
Should have used a preservative after you wash them otherwise bacteria will grow. Just wash and acid rinse you'll be fine.... I know with my 3-8" post unit flow rates start at 18gom giving me 4-6% and after half hr it drops to 10-12 giving me 16-20%. Membranes coat with sugar reducing flows but creating higher brix