View Full Version : TYP-8900 alternatives

02-14-2023, 04:02 PM
So I'm working on a DIY RO Design, and I'm underwhelmed with the information available on the coronwater pumps. I stumbled across this brand https://www.lefoogroup.com/products/water-pressure-pump-for-commercial-ro/, which publishes much more pump data than coronwater. Has anyone heard of or tried them? Looks like they're available at ali-express and amazon (with the first being much cheaper).

I'm also considering an RB20 kit from RO bucket, or a CDL Nano, or building using either a TYP-8900 pump and 400 gpd membranes, or a procon series 3 carbonator pump. I really have it narrowed down eh?

I would like to produce about 10-15gph of concentrate to match my evaporation rate, at the highest concentration possible without damaging membranes, 6-7 brix? Is 8 possible from 2% sap?

LMP Maple
02-14-2023, 04:08 PM
I have the Nano with 3 membranes. I batch it to 6% without any problems. It is in the 12-15 gph range. U will not get it to 6 in one pass with this unit. I like running it in batch. I boil as I R/0 and get to about 30 gph when when you factor it all in doing it that way. I like the looks of the Leader newer Micro as well. Why not add another option :lol: