View Full Version : Pre-made drops

02-13-2023, 08:01 AM
Making drops is a PITA for me. At what point does it make sense to buy drops pre-made? Who buys their drops now? What is the price of them?

02-13-2023, 10:26 AM
1 500' roll of 5/16 ($69) and 75 taps (.47 cents each), I don't THINK I can do it for less with the check valve taps.

I know my buddy usually gets 10-12 premade taps, but they are not as good quality tap I don't think. I prefer the check valve ones mostly because of how small I am, I want whatever precautions I can take to keep the holes open longer. N

02-13-2023, 02:02 PM
I've never purchased them before but I'm thinking about it. I always thought I could make them and sell them but then thought - why would anyone do that? I saw a tub of them at my local maple equipment supply and asked how much they got for them and I believe they were around $2. They were also perfectly straight and not curved like the ones I make. I'm thinking for the money and having a nice straight drop line it might be worth my time not to consider them. One less thing I need to do.