View Full Version : neighbor issues-Shutdown?
02-12-2023, 09:31 AM
Well, this is a first for me. I just walked my buckets around the neighborhood and found 4 of my buckets were down and then one bucket had pee in it. These buckets were not on their property of who I truly believe did this. I'm tempted to completely shut this operation down. I know who it is because there's only one new neighbor in town and no one likes her. I fear that my buckets will become contaminated with chemicals other than urine. Bottom line... mean people suck.
Trail camera. Evidence for the police.
02-12-2023, 11:25 AM
yes put up a couple trail cameras. Spypoint had a good selection and I am using one now to watch a house I am working on. I also have a Moultre video. Both of these are cellular and worth their money.
Video evidence would help the investigation. If you have specific questions shoot me an IM.
Good luck,
02-12-2023, 06:37 PM
Put a bit of vasoline with ghost pepper oil on the rim. Obviously don’t use the sap from those buckets.
02-13-2023, 10:47 AM
Thank you all who have perfectly valid ideas. I took the long route and spoke to each and every neighbor again on my route yesterday. No one but her had issues with me putting up buckets/collecting and free pint handouts for thanks for their trees-done this for the last 8 yrs. (most only have one tree in which to tap)
I'm not about to spend 1000s trying to monitor 3 buckets. While I was collecting today she came out and complained about the noise when I dump my buckets into my 5 gallon buckets to carry back to the house. I said "I'm sorry, but if it bothers you there are things called ear plugs. I'm not on your property and I don't plan to. I've also alerted all the neighbors about your urinating in my bucket and taking it down when it's not on your property." She went red and started screaming at me. I calmly just said, "I'm sorry it bothers you, but they should be alerted of your demeanor." and walked away. Right now everyone has their eyes out for her and her so called boyfriend. I don't think I did anything wrong and I thought this would be best. If I can get someone else to see them-it's not me which gives more validity to the bucket tampering. As of this morning, no other buckets where down. So hopefully this has been resolved.
02-13-2023, 11:39 AM
you can get real cheap game cameras at wallmart that work very well. can't remember the brand, but about $30 for them? i use them in a few spots where people like to steel them from me. just another option. i have a few of them that have been in my woods for 3-4 years (for hunting/, not peeing neighbors) and they still work good! it sucks that people suck!
02-14-2023, 09:14 PM
Nice choice of action on your part.
Thank you all who have perfectly valid ideas. I took the long route and spoke to each and every neighbor again on my route yesterday. No one but her had issues with me putting up buckets/collecting and free pint handouts for thanks for their trees-done this for the last 8 yrs. (most only have one tree in which to tap)
I'm not about to spend 1000s trying to monitor 3 buckets. While I was collecting today she came out and complained about the noise when I dump my buckets into my 5 gallon buckets to carry back to the house. I said "I'm sorry, but if it bothers you there are things called ear plugs. I'm not on your property and I don't plan to. I've also alerted all the neighbors about your urinating in my bucket and taking it down when it's not on your property." She went red and started screaming at me. I calmly just said, "I'm sorry it bothers you, but they should be alerted of your demeanor." and walked away. Right now everyone has their eyes out for her and her so called boyfriend. I don't think I did anything wrong and I thought this would be best. If I can get someone else to see them-it's not me which gives more validity to the bucket tampering. As of this morning, no other buckets where down. So hopefully this has been resolved.
Does your town have its own police department? If so, let them know what is going on and see if they can’t do a few extra drive bye for a few weeks. There presence might be enough to discourage the offender from doing the damage.
02-15-2023, 05:54 AM
I use Spypoint cellular cameras for watching game and have the one solar cam set on my driveway to record cars entering and exiting. You will pay more for the solar but it's worth it in my mind since you won't ever need to replace the 8 AA batteries. The cellular notification happens about 3 minutes after the recording. Obviously it might not be necessary for this one case but I've found multiple purposes for the cameras.
02-15-2023, 07:04 AM
I bought a $50 trail camera online and it worked great for several years. It still does but I'm not using it regularly. I like the idea of talking to neighbors and letting the police know what is happening. If she is complaining about the sound of water being poured into a bucket, she's really a miserable person and has probably complained about other neighbors doing normal neighborly things. They probably know her. I would go to the station and talk to someone at the desk rather than on the phone.
Sad...but not entirely surprising. A person recently asked me why I don't hang some buckets on the centuries old maples that sit along the road, and this explains why I don't. Not that I expect problems, but you never know. I have plenty of trees and property, and if a neighbor asked me if they can hang some buckets on my trees, my response would be help yourself, do you need any help hanging them? Is that an option for you? In VT you shouldn't have to go far to find someone that will accommodate.
02-15-2023, 03:38 PM
Well, unfortunately I was right. The syrup tastes like cleaning chemicals. I spit it out immediately. I have to assume all my buckets have been compromised-sap containers-everything. It doesn't even smell like syrup. I think I'll be selling everything after a good wash.
buckeye gold
02-16-2023, 07:01 AM
That is really sad. I would think there is both legal and civil issues if you could get evidence against her (pictures).
02-16-2023, 07:13 AM
That is really sad. I would think there is both legal and civil issues if you could get evidence against her (pictures).
Yeah, if there's cleaning chemicals, you really need to report that because that could really harm someone. She stepped over a line there. The police might actually want you to leave the buckets up while they investigate and potentially put their own surveillance camera on it. Catching her in the act would be key. You can't let someone get away with that.
That really boils my sap! - sorry couldn't resist but this does make me angry upon hearing it.
02-16-2023, 08:23 AM
Yeah, if there's cleaning chemicals, you really need to report that because that could really harm someone. She stepped over a line there. The police might actually want you to leave the buckets up while they investigate and potentially put their own surveillance camera on it. Catching her in the act would be key. You can't let someone get away with that.
That really boils my sap! - sorry couldn't resist but this does make me angry upon hearing it.
I am 100% in agreement. Generally, I don't go the police route, BUT in THIS case... she could have poisoned someone! Somebody could have DIED or gotten seriously injured.
Cleaning chemicals can shut down organs depending on what is in them. She is literally poisoning a food source, what is to stop her from doing something like that to your well (if you live in an area with 1).
MAN people both make me sad, and furious at the same time!
02-16-2023, 08:25 AM
IF you go the police route, I would suggest not blaming her unless she has confessed to it, but instead tell them you think you know who it is but you don't want to cause trouble, just make sure that no one gets sick or dies from her tampering with food.
02-16-2023, 09:19 AM
You should report it. I don't think at this point the police could do much about it. But if this neighbor would do something like that, who knows what else she is capable of. Let them know about it so they at least know what kind of "people" lurk about in your neighborhood.
Andy VT
02-16-2023, 11:29 AM
I'm a neighborhood tapper as well and haven't had any trouble yet but it has always been on my mind. If it was happening to me I think I'd take all the energy I've been putting into maple and re-direct it into catching the person until having success, then direct it back to maple. We just can't have things like this. Just as the maple hobby isn't really about having syrup (you can just buy syrup), this situation isn't either. No judgement though on whatever you decide to do.
This is one of the reasons (among some others) that I chose to use plastic food grade buckets on the ground with tubing drops down to them instead of traditional hanging buckets. I am very particular about how I set them up and unless someone was really really careful, I can tell if someone messed with it. It is actually harder to collect them each day than traditional sap buckets on trees, but I like the "tamper evidence" of it.
02-16-2023, 12:40 PM
Everyone-For me, with only 12 buckets and a heavy heart to make syrup to give it away for free...I have too much to protect. It makes more sense for me to just shutdown. As for water supply-I'm on town water and so is the suspect. I have reported my suspicion to the police in the next town over but they said there's nothing they can do if it's not my property... and it isn't. I'd have to get the property owner to investigate as well and I don't want to give the old people who own that land the worry about their own neighbor-but they do know this story. It just ticks me off that I've spent 8yrs doing this with no issues and one rotten apple kills the tree. Thank you all for your words and assistance/thoughts. Luckily no one got hurt here or consumed anything. I'll be trashing my buckets, ro system, containers (how the heck do I do that? 65 gal and 30 gal), spiles, lids, etc. Will stainless steel come completely clean? I will still be selling the evaporator-starcat with divided pan if anyone is interested. The wood will go to my neighbor who watches my dog when I'm gone as a thank you. It was a good run but at 53 and this BS... I'm done. I want to sleep at night with no worries. Bless all of you for your help through my adventures of sugaring throughout the years. I'll keep on looking at this site. BTW-when I was taking my buckets down this morning-I stacked them up by the road so I could bring my car around to pick them up and when I was walking away to get my car a lady in a toyota pickup stopped to take my buckets. Luckily I turned around and saw her doing this (different woman). I then ran at her doing the chicken dance-thinking what everyone here is thinking... she could get poisoned. I told her what had happened then she had the nerve to say "what's wrong with people?" (in my mind, I was thinking what's wrong with you!-you just tried to steal my buckets) Another neighbor saw this and just shook her head. It's like everyone is on meth or something here. No wonder the police station left this town. I'm starting to think I'll need to move in the next 3-5 yrs. I love you guys here. Keep the sugar coming. I'll be sure to get my maple syrup and support you all for your hard work.
So, if anyone is interested in an evaporator-small one- let me know. I have a lot of stuff. I would like to see it used and not thrown out. Location: randolph VT
02-16-2023, 12:56 PM
She just bought the house in 22. -so she's fairly new. It was a rental before that for 11 yrs. That owner didn't have any issue.
02-16-2023, 01:28 PM
This is just awful. It is the way of the world nowadays. The druggies, criminals and mentally ill are free to do what they want while honest, hard working Americans are the ones paying the price and suffering due to the lack of ethics and civic duties.
It seems there is not a place rural enough on the east coast to escape this non-sense!
Andy VT
02-16-2023, 03:09 PM
So sorry this has happened. I am interested in the evaporator though. Do private messages work on here? I will attempt to send one to you.
buckeye gold
02-16-2023, 05:13 PM
I have to say this irritates me to no end. Everytime I read your post I just feel aweful for you. Like someone said you can't accuse without evidence or you could get a slander suite. However, I would still contact the county law enforcement or state. Heck I would even call the local news stations or papers and tell them about it and ask them to do a public safety story. You don't have to name names, just say you need help stopping dangerous behavior. Believe me the community will respond to you. Most people are genuinely good.
02-16-2023, 06:21 PM
Tapdrinker, I am so sorry for this to happen to you. I hope you are able to find peace with the situation you find yourself in.
It is also commendable you simply spoke calmly to the lady who did this and did not lose your temper or make any threats.
LMP Maple
02-16-2023, 08:58 PM
There is a special place in the after life for people that would do that. I hope she comes back as a rock at the base of a waterfall in her next life if the sound of sap being poured is too much for her to handle it would suit her right.
I grew up in VT sugaring and it used to be a great place where a handshake meant something. We used to tap all the neighbors trees with no problems or issues. Id tell you to not give up so easy. There may be a sugar maker that will donate some sap to you so you can get your fix. If you can make it to the northeast kingdom we could get you some sap. Anyone that has ever tapped trees not in sight of their house feels your pain. I always worried about the teenagers but a grown adult unbelievable.
I live in northern Vermont and went to college in Randolph. It absolutely blows my mind that this could happen in Randolph Vermont. You handled this much more commendable than I would have and my hats off to you for that. Seems the days of good old Vermonters are gone, and this state is overrun with mean people that aren't from here (that's the nicest way I can put it).
Andy VT
02-24-2023, 05:35 PM
Tapdrinker: I have sent you a couple of private messages that I don't think you have seen. Have a look and let me know if you've got them.
02-28-2023, 10:56 AM
I hope she comes back as a rock at the base of a waterfall in her next life if the sound of sap being poured is too much for her to handle it would suit her right.
This is the best response i have ever heard!!! omg I LITTERALLY LoL'ed at work when I read this!
03-07-2023, 04:25 PM
Could you just cruise the area and find other trees within a couple of miles and maybe get permission to tap. Don't let here win. She may win the battle but you win the war.
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