View Full Version : ****, another year and still no bigger RO

02-07-2023, 03:33 AM
Here we go again.
I tapped 121 trees, the sap is flowing, and I'm wishing I built the bigger RO again.
I'll be putting the 4x150 through its paces this year.
I really need to get off my but and build a better system.

Short of a miracle, can anyone think of a way to increase the output of the 4x150? It takes me almost a full day to to process the IBC tote.

Wishing you all a great season!

02-07-2023, 08:34 AM
I have no input to speed the actual RO up. But are you able to safely run it overnight?

02-07-2023, 11:08 AM
I ran my RO overnight recirculating back into the same barrel I was pulling from. Then while boiling I used the Ro output to keep my pans full and pulling out more water. This year I got a soda fountain carbonator pump that looks like a Procon. It puts out close to 2 gpm at all pressures. My aquatec pump would barely get any flow over 100 psi. I am planning on using this new pump at 125 psi which is about all my dual 400 gpd membranes can handle. I will have a recirculation loop built into it so I can change the output to what I need to keep the evaporators fed.

02-07-2023, 11:18 AM
I see on the Membrane Solutions Amazon site it lists the following:
💡 Tips: Recommend work pressure is 100 psi when using this product in a Maple Syrup reverse osmosis system. And we suggest heating and maintaining the raw sap at 104°F(40°C) to prevent clog on the membrane while keeping it under 113°F(45°C) to avoid damage to the membrane due to over-high temperature.

I know that heating the sap to this temperature means you need to use it immediately or you will be only boiling bacteria. Does anybody have suggestions on how to do this and maintain a 9 degree temperature range. Maybe running a loop of copper line in a water bath that is kept at about 110 degrees with a thermostat and then running it right into the boiler or preheat pan? Seems really difficult to do.

02-07-2023, 08:13 PM
I use 4 of these in series.
I run at about 120 psi from the Aquatec 8852.
I'm happy running it overnight, as I can process about 10 gallons of 1.5% sap to 6% an hour. The 275 IBC takes more than 24 hours.
I really need something faster as its hard to keep up on the heavy days.