View Full Version : 21" ro?

01-31-2023, 10:45 AM
I see a lot of folks using 40" membranes and building their own rigs.. has anyone used a 21" one? I'm told by a local distrubuter (who will sell me all the parts) that 21" will be fine for me. I have around 150 taps.....I don't see myself expanding tooooo much more..



02-01-2023, 10:21 AM
Dollar for dollar, the 21" membranes are much more expensive than a 4040. It would be cheaper to run a 3012 or 3013 housing instead of the 21".

02-01-2023, 01:03 PM
I am on 150 taps and would not do a 21". I have a 4x40" Waterguys that is very right-sized for 150 taps. With poor-man's recirc, I get 7% out at about 25 gph. Process 200 gallons in 2 hours, boil as I go. win-win.