View Full Version : what a weird winter - or lack of?

Mike Van
01-07-2023, 04:15 AM
I'm hoping this isn't the new normal for us here. The winter of mud.

01-07-2023, 12:40 PM
I’m looking out at my lines and thinking I need to get moving on setup for the season…. If we get a season.
It’s certainly bizarre.

01-07-2023, 04:39 PM
We have winter here, but it arrived late and other than a few storms, it has been an easy one. It will be +3.2/-16 here tonight, but then it warms up a little, then gets cold for a few days and warms up again for another possible sap run mid January.

01-07-2023, 07:24 PM
Gary, have you got any ice on the lake for ice fishing. None of the lakes here have anything, but some skim ice near shore in just a few areas.

01-07-2023, 10:43 PM
Gary, have you got any ice on the lake for ice fishing. None of the lakes here have anything, but some skim ice near shore in just a few areas.

We have an inch an half of white ice, so weak that an ice spud goes through it like a hot knife through butter. Today was cold and tonight will be cold, but not overly cold after that. I am not sure just when we will get on the ice. Mid January they are forecasting temperatures where the sap may flow again and I will have to put out my collection pails. This time I will have a turkey fryer to boil it.

Normally we are in our fishing hut, fishing this time of year.


01-08-2023, 09:48 AM
So tempting: sunny, highs in the upper 40s, lows in the 20s. No snow. Other than the date seems perfect.

01-08-2023, 11:44 AM
So tempting: sunny, highs in the upper 40s, lows in the 20s. No snow. Other than the date seems perfect.

Shunkworks, Are you going to tap? I'm with you, very lack luster winter for sure. I see we are close in proximity thus the question on tapping.

01-08-2023, 11:58 AM
everything is telling me to hold off till our normal tapping time but......i might do a 10 tap test next week

01-08-2023, 01:24 PM
CT Guy, Same here. Everything i have read so far says to hold off. But the weather is looking pretty good though. Plus, I have a new shed, hood system and set up so I am itching to get it going. Just a few weeks ago I boiled water just to test everything. My wife said I was crazy!

01-08-2023, 01:33 PM
Gary, have you got any ice on the lake for ice fishing. None of the lakes here have anything, but some skim ice near shore in just a few areas.

We are further north than you and are colder. To be honest if I had your 2 week temperature forecast, I would be awlfully tempted to go all in and hook up all of my taps. Even in Southern Ontario, it looks awlfully good.

Maybe my inexperience talking.


01-08-2023, 01:56 PM
Maybe in a week, in part because my day job will interfere with my hobbies this week.

Gotta see if Sugar Bear comments, he seems to have taped on the right date for decades.

01-15-2023, 08:12 AM
I sent a request to SugarBear to weigh in.

Yesterday I dug my Mason out, I’m like an “hour” from being ready.

01-15-2023, 09:52 AM
cant wait any longer, i,m going to be tapping some tomorrow , see how they run, and then tap the rest later in the week

01-15-2023, 11:43 AM
We look forward to your detailed report!

01-15-2023, 05:33 PM
We look forward to your detailed report!

stay tuned

Sugar Bear
01-16-2023, 01:17 PM
I sent a request to SugarBear to weigh in.

Yesterday I dug my Mason out, I’m like an “hour” from being ready.

Well, the climate change King has made his presence felt for sure.

If you're ready, I say tap, especially if you tap soft maples and/or your trees are in a warm aspect, and you are on tubing/vacuum. I would if I were ready but don't have my act near ready and probably won't be ready until at least Feb 1 and of course will reassess at that point.

If you're on the north side of some higher elevation may want to wait a bit and see.

I don't really like making light syrup but perhaps it's already darkened up a bit.

Please post results of early taping.

Mike Van
01-18-2023, 07:57 PM
After the 26th weather dot com is showing nothing above freezing for several days. Long ways to forecast, but it looks like a change from what we have had.

01-19-2023, 06:16 AM
I'm going to put in 150-200 taps this Saturday the 21st. Not sure if its smart or not. Will see what happens and if I do any more the following weekend...

Scored another working 600 gallon Meuller tank last week. I won't have the refrigeration working on it this year but its in place and ready. Going to take my old non-working 600 gallon tank and build a skid for it and use it to collect instead of two IBC totes. That's my project for tomorrow.

01-19-2023, 08:46 AM
I usually waited to around Valentines Day to tap my trees but this season weather seems favorable right now so I'm thinking you can tap soon for a longer season.

Unfortunately, I am out for this 23 season because I broke my leg around Christmas and the wife/family has no interest in picking up this hobby/chore.

01-19-2023, 12:53 PM
Unfortunately, I am out for this 23 season because I broke my leg around Christmas and the wife/family has no interest in picking up this hobby/chore.

Sorry to hear. I wrecked my shoulder last year and had to have help with a lot of things including taping. Only smashed a finger this year.

01-20-2023, 11:41 AM
cant wait any longer, i,m going to be tapping some tomorrow , see how they run, and then tap the rest later in the week

so i decided to hold off on tapping a few trees and now it seems like were going be getting more winter like temps starting this weekend and next week, looks like i'll hold off till my normal tapping date of Presidents day weekend

01-20-2023, 04:06 PM
I'm 50% tapped.

Forecast shows high's of 40s and lows in the 20s.

And I busted my tapping bit, bad sign.

maple flats
01-20-2023, 06:21 PM
This is weather is not necessarily bad, what will determine our maple season is what happens during the season, cold nights, warm days are needed then. If your weather is like what we have been getting in Central NYS, we are just adding plenty of ground water. The trees really only need a few cold nights to be able the move the sap after they warm up. Then the weather you had last year (sunshine to produce sugar) and the ground moisture will do the rest.
Don't get nervous yet, lots of time left unless you are in the extreme southern maple regions.

maple flats
01-20-2023, 06:23 PM
SkunkWorks, That's why I always had at least 3 tapping bits for each person tapping..

01-21-2023, 09:44 AM
After 20 hours, about 1/2 gallon per tap at 1.9%.

Forecast is good: highs of low 40s, lows in the upper 20s for the next week.

01-25-2023, 08:01 PM
2.3 gal per tap yesterday.

01-26-2023, 10:16 AM
2.3 gal per tap yesterday.

it'll shut off next week, we have some below freezing weather coming in

01-29-2023, 08:38 PM
Gosh I hope so, made 2.8 gal this weekend on 45 taps. Drilled in the remaining 50.
What great weather, 40s, dry, really nice.

Mike Van
01-30-2023, 04:15 AM
Real cold weather coming on the 4th & 5th, after that it looks like same as we've had so far. I plan on tapping the 6th & 7th.

02-06-2023, 08:24 AM
Hi all,

Do the trees need more time to warm up after the negative temps?

This is my first year tapping. I only have ten Reds and one Sugar. Is it normal for Reds to not produce much sap until February? I went ahead and tapped the last week of January. I was worried there would be no real winter.

To date I have a total of 6 gallons from all trees. Most of that is from the Sugar. (I've been freezing it until I have a windfall)

Even yesterday in the mid-40's, I only got six cups.


02-06-2023, 07:12 PM
Are you using buckets on the red maples? If so, just to let you know they perform much better on a tubing system with vacuum.

02-06-2023, 08:12 PM
I used buckets my first year, on a mix of reds and sugars. The reds did flow less but they flowed.
On vac they are essential equal (in volume, not % sugar).

My trees were slow yesterday when I tapped, but by the end of today things picked up.

Mike Van
02-07-2023, 06:23 AM
I put about half my taps in yesterday, a little over 50 - Second half in today. Hard to believe it was 10 below a few days ago, sap was running yesterday - Looks like good weather ahead, for how long, who knows?

02-07-2023, 07:33 AM
Are you using buckets on the red maples? If so, just to let you know they perform much better on a tubing system with vacuum.

I have a mix of bags and buckets. I got three buckets and lids for free, so I purchased the bigger spiles for them. Interestingly, those bigger spiles were leaking yesterday after the subfreezing temps. They were running better yesterday. I don't think I'll ever produce enough to justify a vacuum system. Plus our trees are very far apart. We'll see how it goes. I think I'll be switching to all bags next year. There have been so many bugs in the buckets and now leaking sap.

02-07-2023, 09:07 AM
I think I'll be switching to all bags next year. There have been so many bugs in the buckets and now leaking sap.

What kind of buckets? I have 5 gal buckets with 5/16 tubing going into a hole drilled in the lids. The tubing is a tight fit in the hole through the lid, so I have pretty clean sap, no bugs.

I tapped the trees I have on tubing only, that go to my main tank Sunday and yesterday (about 40 ish taps). I hope to get the bucketed trees tapped today.

02-07-2023, 03:40 PM
got 65 taps in so far, yesterday quite a few were dripping at a good pace, today only a couple were a slow drip

gonna finish up one property tomorrow and have a new one to check out this weekend

02-08-2023, 07:01 PM
Tapped 88 today. All were running. The sap from the 35 on gravity 3/16 tubing was zooming through the tubing. I have 30 more taps to put out tomorrow.

Mike Van
02-08-2023, 08:12 PM
I've got a little over 100 in, some full buckets this afternoon. Probably making some steam later tomorrow -

02-10-2023, 06:55 PM
I collected my first 70 gallons of sap today. Sugar content was 2.6! I had to zero out the refractometer and check it again. 2.6! Once I run it through the RO I'll double that. What is everybody else getting with their sap sugar levels?

Mike Van
02-11-2023, 04:13 AM
I boiled off about 150 gal. of 2% sap yesterday AM, then collected another 100 for Sat. What a crazy start, about 10 am a honeybee flies into the barn. With whats forecast for next week, expect to see buds on the trees, maybe mow the lawn in March this year. I miss the older weather. Several years ago there was a Feb. I had no sap, 0, for the whole month. It was just too cold to run.

Mike Van
02-11-2023, 04:58 PM
At the end of the day, i brought home 4 gal of really light almost finished syrup. This is weird though, i had to drain my 2 front pans later & scrub them out, as the sand had stuck after only 2 boils creating almost endless foaming. Drowned 3 moths yesterday, that's gotta be a record early date for me.

Mike Van
02-15-2023, 05:47 PM
So after today's pickup, I have half of my last years season total - Good start, big freeze coming Friday PM, towards the end of the month it's supposed to get more normal. Honeybees in the barn today while i was boiling.

02-15-2023, 07:38 PM
Pumped up 400+ gallons of 55 degree sap this afternoon and got it into the first milk tank. It's down to 39 degrees as I type. Have a Boy Scout campout (down in Kent, Mike) on Saturday so I'm going to pump tomorrow's take tomorrow afternoon, start boiling Thursday night and finish on Friday. With luck I'll have 600+ by tomorrow.

Yes, next week looks good. Cornwall 3rd grade has a field trip to Young Love Maple next Friday so I'd better have some sap to boil!

Mike Van
02-16-2023, 03:41 AM
The kids are great, I had the 2nd graders here a few years ago - before the 'rona virus came along.

Sugar Bear
02-16-2023, 12:56 PM
Taped 70 on the 6th and am about 40% of the way to expected yield.

Hoping things will start up again Saturday as they should but disturbingly warm out. Nice that the sun is not getting a hold of today too well.

This year has had "check valve spout usage" written all over it and did when I tapped on the 6th but sort of brain farted that one when I tapped and went cheapo. Ooops! But another piece of approach to file away for the future. But probably will forget about that by next year.

Mike Van
02-16-2023, 03:36 PM
For the second time this season, i had to drain my front 2 pans & vinegar them for tonight. Never seen sugar sand this bad. Same trees as always. Waiting on the cold front tomorrow PM.

02-16-2023, 05:18 PM
so whats the thinking, are we going to have a decent season left after this quick warm up ?

Sugar Bear
02-16-2023, 06:35 PM
so whats the thinking, are we going to have a decent season left after this quick warm up ?

YES, my thoughts on it are as follows....

A couple of 60-degree days on Feb 15 is less damaging to taps then a couple of 60-degree days on March 15. And the trees are less responsive to "moving on" in Mid-February then they are in mid-March at the same temps.

Although I did have a couple of Honeybees come visit me today while spraying some woodwork. That surprised me a tad bit. And D dills and some other flowers are already making a bid but not showing commitment.

02-17-2023, 10:14 AM
YES, my thoughts on it are as follows....

A couple of 60-degree days on Feb 15 is less damaging to taps then a couple of 60-degree days on March 15. And the trees are less responsive to "moving on" in Mid-February then they are in mid-March at the same temps.

Although I did have a couple of Honeybees come visit me today while spraying some woodwork. That surprised me a tad bit. And D dills and some other flowers are already making a bid but not showing commitment.

guess all we can do is wait and see

Mike Van
02-17-2023, 02:33 PM
Here's an 'action shot' from 2 days ago. Picked up 170 gal/sap that day.22890

Sugar Bear
02-17-2023, 05:35 PM
Dumped about 5 gallons total of cloudy sap from my buckets and barrels today. Anticipating back to clear, good running sap beginning tomorrow.

02-17-2023, 06:40 PM
Dumping 70 gallons of runs from the past few days. Cloudy stuff.
I'm heading out of town and hoping to return to an overflowing IBC of god clear sap when I return after the weekend.
Started soaking and cleaning the pan after 3 boils. Lots of scum and sand. Those reds are scummy trees!
All good otherwise, and hopeful for plenty of season ahead.

02-19-2023, 07:30 AM
Syrup I made yesterday had a slight bitter aftertaste. I could not detect it, but it was rejected by qc (wife)

Is this season over?

Or is this a result of cloudy sap?

02-19-2023, 08:28 AM
anybody up in Litchfield county have any kind of run yesterday ?, i checked around noon and nothing was running but didnt know if they started later in the day

Mike Van
02-19-2023, 11:50 AM
I had a few [in the sun] start a slow drip on Sat., Sunday i'm hoping will start & run all night. Looks like some promising weather coming.

02-19-2023, 06:22 PM
Finished 6+ gallons Friday and bottled it today. Still dark but good. Grateful for my milk tank. Was able to keep 400+ gallons at 36 degrees for a couple day before I could get to boil.

Looks like a good week coming up. Fingers crossed.

Mike Van
02-20-2023, 04:53 AM
Even though the temp here is 32 right now, the sap ran all night - still dripping too. I have some almost full buckets near the house. I know where i'll be for the next 2 hours. Takes me that long to collect from 125 or so.

Mike Van
02-23-2023, 02:55 PM
So, what started out as a season with promise is slowly circling the drain after only 2 weeks. I put the blame on the 3 hot days we had. I've got a few dozen new trees I can go tap, probably after the big freeze tomorrow night. I took one pail off today, it was done. Others just putting an inch or so of sap in, after almost full buckets early on. If this is going to be the new norm, it sucks. A two week season is not worth all the work, all the cleanup after. Maybe next year i'll tap new years eve, see how that works.

02-24-2023, 06:53 AM
Agreed. Glad I tapped at the end of January, or I would have nothing to boil. Had a lot of plans and ideas to try this year, but my trees are pretty much done. I'm sure people on vacuum did ok. I'm on buckets, and they are more like decorations than sap collectors.

02-24-2023, 08:52 AM
Agreed. Glad I tapped at the end of January, or I would have nothing to boil. Had a lot of plans and ideas to try this year, but my trees are pretty much done. I'm sure people on vacuum did ok. I'm on buckets, and they are more like decorations than sap collectors.

I'm with you Gord, I'm located in MA, I boiled once this season and produced a small amount of syrup. It did seem a little bitter as others have mentioned the sap wasn't bad i just think it is what is being produced this year. I was excited for a banner year with my new set up....... there is always next year I guess.

02-24-2023, 08:58 AM
Agreed. Glad I tapped at the end of January, or I would have nothing to boil. Had a lot of plans and ideas to try this year, but my trees are pretty much done. I'm sure people on vacuum did ok. I'm on buckets, and they are more like decorations than sap collectors.

This was my first year on vacuum. Last year i had 14 taps on buckets and this year I have 30 taps on vacuum. I ended up tapping end of January because I am near the shoreline and the weather really didn't seem like it was going to cooperate long term. It's been a slow trickle into the tank aside from one good week in early February.

As the season stands now I've made the same amount of syrup as last year. I'm hoping my taps are still running next week and I can get a few more gallons of syrup.

02-25-2023, 11:12 AM
I boiled a bit yesterday and finished this morning. Drew off maybe 2 1/2 gallons of what looks like very dark. Should run here and there this coming week but I think next weekend will be my last boil.

02-25-2023, 04:48 PM
I'm expecting some runs later this week, but I'm very curious to see what they produce.
I'm about 1/2 of what I would expect in a season, and I'm doubtful I'll make it to the average given this weather.
That said, hopefully I'm busier than expected in the next couple weeks.

Sugar Bear
02-25-2023, 05:20 PM
I'm expecting some runs later this week, but I'm very curious to see what they produce.
I'm about 1/2 of what I would expect in a season, and I'm doubtful I'll make it to the average given this weather.
That said, hopefully I'm busier than expected in the next couple weeks.


I have been tapping Red runs on tubing and Sugar runs on tubing and Reds on drops to buckets and Sugars on drops to buckets. It seems to be that the Reds have been knocked out by the warm weather much more so than the sugars. The differential between the two seems more obvious to me this year than any other year.

I know others on this website who have forgotten more about sugaring then I know say there is no difference between the closeup of reds and sugars, but that has not been my experience and ESPECIALLY not this year. I do have a run of Reds on vacuum that I can still squeeze some sap out of eligible days, but even the sugars on drops to buckets (after that warm spell) outperform them. When I first tapped in early February (the 6/7th) the Red vacuum run was outperforming all by sap volume.

If the Reds don't resuscitate after this freeze up, I am going to hold firm to my belief that red taps quit sooner than Sugar taps even though others say otherwise.

But yes, I am curious too to see who is still there and who has quit. My money is on the sugar maples still being there.

02-26-2023, 06:29 AM
If the Reds don't resuscitate after this freeze up, I am going to hold firm to my belief that red taps quit sooner than Sugar taps even though others say otherwise.

But yes, I am curious too to see who is still there and who has quit. My money is on the sugar maples still being there.

I didn't tap until 2/11 because of time and money. I have a mix of sugar and red maples. Both have been flowing when they should, at least for me in the northern most part of the state. My past experience has been that the reds will stop producing sap before the sugar maples but I've never had bad (buddy) sap from the red maples. With the stretch of warm weather that we had, I do think that the trees were close to doing that and a few of them may have. However, I've since tapped more reds and sugar maples and they were both producing sap when I tapped them.

Of the next three weeks, this up coming week looks like it will have the warmest weather from what I can tell but its too far out to know for sure. I'm hoping that will keep the trees running for me.

02-26-2023, 07:53 AM
Dave B, I seem to be just across the line from you in MA. Do you think the trees will start producing again? I have only been at this for a few years, its more of a hobby than anything else.

I haven't collected more than 90 or so gallons of sap I use drop lines into buckets. years past, i would have at least double that. I hope with this cold snap and snow, the trees reset and we can start the season over again.

thoughts anyone?

Sugar Bear
02-26-2023, 08:24 AM
I didn't tap until 2/11 because of time and money. I have a mix of sugar and red maples. Both have been flowing when they should, at least for me in the northern most part of the state. My past experience has been that the reds will stop producing sap before the sugar maples but I've never had bad (buddy) sap from the red maples. With the stretch of warm weather that we had, I do think that the trees were close to doing that and a few of them may have. However, I've since tapped more reds and sugar maples and they were both producing sap when I tapped them.

Of the next three weeks, this up coming week looks like it will have the warmest weather from what I can tell but its too far out to know for sure. I'm hoping that will keep the trees running for me.

Very interesting

Over the next 3 weeks, I think you should be anywhere from OK to GREAT on the sugar take based on your tap date and the forecast and your location.

I rank New England tap zones/climates on a 1 to 6 scale. 1 being the warmest and 6 being the coolest.

GENERALLY speaking, it goes like this, BUT the numbers can stray within zones/climates due to variations of geological aspects within those zones.

Anything below the Merrit Parkway is a 1 zone

Anything above the Merrit Parkway up to Hartford is a 2 zone

Anything north of Hartford up to the center section of the Berkshire Plate ( Great Barrington MA ) is a 3

Anything from the central Berkshire Plateau to the Vermont border is a 4

Anything from the Vermont border to Rutland VT is a 5

Anything from Rutland to the Canadian border is a 6

I rank both my tap locations as a Zone 2 and bout smack in the middle of it.

I rank your location in Stafford Springs, CT as the high side of Zone 3, because you are up near the latitude of Great Barrington MA and also high in elevation ( generally Stafford Springs is ). Now yes of course, if your bush has a strong southerly exposure that pulls your zone down a bit.

But based on what you say and the forecast, I bet your in good shape in the coming weeks and with the Reds too. But just my WEG which could be blown away by the vicissitudes of the world we live in.

On the other hand, IMO, Generally speaking, the duration of sap flow, is much more closely related/similar in a 6 zone then it is in a zone 1 with regards to Sugar Maples VS Red Maples. I will take that opinion to anyone, anywhere anytime. Even if they have forgotten more about maple sugaring then I will ever know.

And yes, tubing and vacuum pull any differences together to some extent at any location.

Mike Van
02-26-2023, 03:23 PM
I went out today & tapped 30+ new trees, at 3 pm the last one was just starting to drip. It was 12F this morning. Whatever isn't running of the 1st batch is coming down this week. End of last week i couldn't tell what was on the end of a run, still froze, of just 'dead in the water' One of my best areas did the least this year. Anyway, good weather ahead, as long as there's no 60 degree days, we'll be o.k. I have the 2nd graders coming on the 8th.

02-26-2023, 07:17 PM
Very interesting

Over the next 3 weeks, I think you should be anywhere from OK to GREAT on the sugar take based on your tap date and the forecast and your location.

rank your location in Stafford Springs, CT as the high side of Zone 3, because you are up near the latitude of Great Barrington MA and also high in elevation ( generally Stafford Springs is ). Now yes of course, if your bush has a strong southerly exposure that pulls your zone down a bit.

But based on what you say and the forecast, I bet your in good shape in the coming weeks and with the Reds too. But just my WEG which could be blown away by the vicissitudes of the world we live in.

And yes, tubing and vacuum pull any differences together to some extent at any location.

I do have a vacuum pump so I know that helps. I started looking at vacuum 20 years ago when we had a really warm winter and producers that had it did better than I did. It took me 10 years to get it but that's why.

I think zone 3 is a fair assessment. There's a rule of thumb in weather forecasting that every few hundred feet of elevation is similar to being a certain amount of latitude north. I'm at 650' at my house but one of my sugarbushes is around 1-1200' and is north facing. I also have one at 300' in the valley where my sugarhouse is (it's on our farm in Somers where I grew up) so a good variety.

I went out today & tapped 30+ new trees, at 3 pm the last one was just starting to drip. It was 12F this morning. Whatever isn't running of the 1st batch is coming down this week. End of last week i couldn't tell what was on the end of a run, still froze, of just 'dead in the water' One of my best areas did the least this year. Anyway, good weather ahead, as long as there's no 60 degree days, we'll be o.k. I have the 2nd graders coming on the 8th.

I saw the same thing on this side of the state. It seemed like it took a while to get things going but I saw some action before I headed home.

For what it's worth, I think things look good the next few weeks. This Thursday looks like the warmest day but consistently below normal after that. I use this site to get a consensus on temperatures. Focus on the graph on the right. Every one of those of those is a model and I look at the mean value. All below normal:


You can click on the map for a graph for your location. It's been very consistent with that which gives me hope going into March.

Sugar Bear
02-26-2023, 09:00 PM
I do have a vacuum pump so I know that helps. I started looking at vacuum 20 years ago when we had a really warm winter and producers that had it did better than I did. It took me 10 years to get it but that's why.

I think zone 3 is a fair assessment. There's a rule of thumb in weather forecasting that every few hundred feet of elevation is similar to being a certain amount of latitude north. I'm at 650' at my house but one of my sugarbushes is around 1-1200' and is north facing. I also have one at 300' in the valley where my sugarhouse is (it's on our farm in Somers where I grew up) so a good variety.

I saw the same thing on this side of the state. It seemed like it took a while to get things going but I saw some action before I headed home.

For what it's worth, I think things look good the next few weeks. This Thursday looks like the warmest day but consistently below normal after that. I use this site to get a consensus on temperatures. Focus on the graph on the right. Every one of those of those is a model and I look at the mean value. All below normal:


You can click on the map for a graph for your location. It's been very consistent with that which gives me hope going into March.

I started a 12 volt Vacuum on my Reds last year and they out produced my best sugar run which was doing up to 16 inches of Merc on 5/16 natural vacuum. On some days I was getting 1.5 gallons of sap per tap last year on them.

Again, got good output this year on the Reds from the 6th to the 16th but have since shut down and not really outputting well at all on eligible days with the booster. And could be done for the year if they don't do anything this week.

My sugars will produce this week, confident of that. Might switch my pump over from the Red Run to the sugar run this week. Why not?

I would be VERY surprised if your season is anywhere near being over at your location and having tapped on the 11th. Even with the warm we have had. Especially if you have had your taps on vacuum and tubing.

But it seems like the sun rising in the morning should no longer be taken for granted after this winter.

02-27-2023, 01:45 PM
is this weather giving anyone else anxiety besides me ??, last week this week looked perfect, now cold and stormy all week, next week so far looks a little better...i hate the not knowing

Mike Van
02-28-2023, 04:06 AM
The weather ahead looks really good - Thursday should be a good run. Anything that doesn't run then is done for the season. My 2 cents.

02-28-2023, 12:09 PM
Dave B, I seem to be just across the line from you in MA. Do you think the trees will start producing again? I have only been at this for a few years, its more of a hobby than anything else.

I haven't collected more than 90 or so gallons of sap I use drop lines into buckets. years past, i would have at least double that. I hope with this cold snap and snow, the trees reset and we can start the season over again.

thoughts anyone?

That is what I am expecting! well hoping for tbh, but I expect it to go back to relative normal once the temps are normal. Keep in mind as we all are getting frustrated... in northern CT Southern Mass, we are JUST getting into the start of the season, what we had (assuming weather normalizes like it seems to be this week,) was bonus! At least that is how I look at it.

02-28-2023, 12:54 PM
Dave B, I seem to be just across the line from you in MA. Do you think the trees will start producing again? I have only been at this for a few years, its more of a hobby than anything else.

I haven't collected more than 90 or so gallons of sap I use drop lines into buckets. years past, i would have at least double that. I hope with this cold snap and snow, the trees reset and we can start the season over again.

thoughts anyone?

That is what I am expecting! well hoping for tbh, but I expect it to go back to relative normal once the temps are normal. Keep in mind as we all are getting frustrated... in northern CT Southern Mass, we are JUST getting into the start of the season, what we had (assuming weather normalizes like it seems to be this week,) was bonus! At least that is how I look at it.

There's some pretty ideal weather coming up if you ask me. I wish it hadn't been so mild for as long as it was but you can't change the past. With today's snow and another system coming later this week along with decent temperatures, I would agree with the poster above that they should flow this week, especially on Thursday. I saw taps running on Sunday and next week looks like more of that with temps in the 20s and 30s so, yeah, I think the sap will still run. Like you said, it's technically just the beginning third of a normal season.

Mike Van
03-03-2023, 02:55 PM
Some hope here for the rest of the season - 3 day sap totals - 60, 75 & 125 gal - Lots of that from the 30+ new ones i tapped, but most all the originals still producing. Great looking weather ahead too - Today i hit last years sap total, should turn out pretty good.

03-03-2023, 03:23 PM
Some hope here for the rest of the season - 3 day sap totals - 60, 75 & 125 gal - Lots of that from the 30+ new ones i tapped, but most all the originals still producing. Great looking weather ahead too - Today i hit last years sap total, should turn out pretty good.NICE!

The guy I tap with keeps wanting to add more taps because the yields have been relatively low. In CT the season (based on past years) we are just starting now so I think we got spoiled with getting extra so early. Now I am going to DEF end up with more than I can handle. going to be some LATE nights if we have a big run lol.

03-03-2023, 06:33 PM
I boiled down another 140 gallons today. There is still another 50 gallons to boil. I've called it quits for today. Tomorrow I'll press 5 gallons and double my season total to 10+ gallons. I almost called it quits last week. I tapped in mid-Feb because of work.

03-03-2023, 06:41 PM
My trees are running. RO'ed 150 gallons today and the tote is still filling.
I'll try to concentrate everything up to 8% and boil tomorrow and then RO what I collect tomorrow and repeat on Sunday.
Looking like I may get a decent yield after all...
Fingers crossed.

Sugar Bear
03-03-2023, 10:08 PM
Not surprised at the first week or two of March. Never am and try not to tap more than 3 weeks prior to the first week of March.

Although this year was a serious head scratcher so broke my rule by 1 day.

Beginning to seem like a magical year. I Tapped Feb 6th and all taps are still doing well. A few Reds on drops to buckets are struggling a bit but that is it. Reds on Vacuum still clear and lively. Sugars bonkers ... Silvers Bonkers.

Processed at least 185 gallons yesterday and today. RO could be faster and so could be the steam pans but never had this much sap in a run, so it's got me thinking divided pan.

Been preheating my sap a bit for the RO so that it goes through a bit better.

Probably peak of the season this run. Pulled 12 inches of mercury all day on a 8 tap gravity run on 5/16 tubing today.

I'm getting tired for sure, and even more tired when I think of how much more may be on the way.

Syrup is back to medium amber.

03-04-2023, 06:00 AM
Sugar Bear.
I'm probably selling my Mason 2x4XL at the end of the season... Just sayin'!
I'm in the same boat, slow RO, and longer than desired boils. Its all fine when the sap runs slowly, but when I'm getting 250 gallons/day I cant keep up.
Glad to hear things are running well in your neck of the woods.
All good here!

03-04-2023, 05:52 PM
Sap was flowing well today here as well. Looks like a hard freeze tonight and the next several nights. The next couple of weeks look pretty ideal actually...hope everyone can keep up. I'm so glad this season turned around from the mild weather that we were having!

Mike Van
03-05-2023, 03:36 PM
The beat goes on..........yesterday, 120 gal/sap & about 100 drown moths. Today 60 gal/sap on the tail end of this run. No moths. Need a freeze tonight to reset everything.

03-05-2023, 07:26 PM
"But yes, I am curious too to see who is still there and who has quit. My money is on the sugar maples still being there."

I pulled out when my wife detected a bitter aftertaste. In hindsight I wonder if I had some spoiled sap and I should have dumped everything, cleaned, and restarted. On the flip side we got some great skiing in this last week.

On the Red vs Sugar debate: I tap three properties. The property with primarily sugars definitely out produced the property with primarily reds, both in sugar content (2.5% vs 1.5%) and sap quantity (over 3x). The reds did not like the unseasonably warm weather we had mid February.

03-05-2023, 07:30 PM
It was a 7 hour boil today. My season total is over 12 gallons. I don't begin to know how it happened. This week looks good to push forward. I've given up on trying to make sense of this season.

03-06-2023, 12:04 PM
Boiled 9 hours Saturday, season total about 14gal, still medium in color, and not a ton of niter. Good run over the weekend, 150gal still up at 3%. One moth in the collection barrel, a few flys coming into inspect the stinky fermented overflow around my collection tree. Let’s see how long it goes.

03-06-2023, 02:41 PM
Just produced another 2.5 gallons.
I have 50 or so gal of sap in the tote. I'll see what I have after tomorrow and start the RO back up. Hoping for a good week.
I do notice the red maple buds starting to swell.
We shall see.

Mike Van
03-06-2023, 04:03 PM
50 gal pickup for me today - I thought there'd be more, but a stiff wnw wind probably cut it back. The mud is back, for the 5th or 6th time this winter.

Mike Van
03-08-2023, 04:44 AM
Going to find out today if 28 degrees and the wind blowing is a good enough freeze to start another run - Dead in the water otherwise.

03-08-2023, 11:47 AM
Going to find out today if 28 degrees and the wind blowing is a good enough freeze to start another run - Dead in the water otherwise.

i,m not even gonna check till tomorrow, between yesterdays cold temps and wicked wind and todays wind i cant imagine there will be much...i have a few gallons i drew off light yesterday to finish and bottle today

Mike Van
03-08-2023, 03:23 PM
It was a late start today, but we're running again - I guess that was enough of a freeze. I had 14 second graders visit today, good time had by all -

Sugar Bear
03-08-2023, 06:31 PM
Its been a great season for me so far. Up to my expected 12 gallons of syrup already and the end still seems a ways off. Great Syrup as well. Tired of working steam pans and my 4 150 RO membranes still function as they did out of the bag new 2 season ago, but processing 200 gallons of sap in one run on steam pans and the home-built RO is a lot of work. Sap has been cold and goes through RO slowly but have established a technique for getting cold sap up to and over 40 degrees a little more easily and quickly on its way into the RO.

03-08-2023, 07:07 PM
I called it quits today as well. 95% solo work on 98 taps. I finished 10 gallons of syrup. Today's buckets were full but my "helper" is a freshman in college and out of state. I'm happy with the upgrades I did this year to maximize my production. Preheater and auto-draw worked as advertised. Good luck to the warriors of our trade to finish the season strongly!

03-08-2023, 08:18 PM
I have thrown in the towel. I’m closer to the shore. A disappointing season. I have to remind myself it’s a hobby, and hope for better next year.

Mike Van
03-09-2023, 04:30 PM
What a run today, picked up 150 gal/sap - Some from trees i thought done a week ago. I won't miss the wind when it stops blowing.

03-10-2023, 07:49 AM
I'm jealous... I've picked 125 gallons over the past 4 days. I was hoping for 4X that amount. Seems my trees are done, and I will be too after this weekend unless to flood gates open up.

Mike Van
03-12-2023, 03:37 PM
Kind of on a downward spiral here, last 3 days 80 - 75 - 40 today. Today's will run on into tonight, no freeze expected. About 2 dozen i'm going to take down in the AM, not doing much, and i don't want to have to plow the road in for a couple gallons of sap. Two weeks ago it looked pretty dismal, but now at just over 1800 gal/sap it's my 4th best [close to 3rd best]

03-12-2023, 04:31 PM
i,m going to collect in the morning before the storm starts so i have something to do while its snowing, i,m hoping to get the rest of the week out of it before i pull the plug

Mike Van
03-14-2023, 01:35 PM
Boiled off a hundred gallons this morning, glad i picked up yesterday. Took about half my buckets down too.

Mike Van
03-17-2023, 03:05 PM
So here's where i'm at this season - Of the 100+ taps I put in Feb 6th or so, only 5 are left running. The 30+ I did 3 weeks ago this Sunday are running nice clear sap, 40 gallons today. What I thought to be a crappy year is 30 gallons/sap away from my second best [2002 gal/sap. ] The weather can make it or break it. So glad we only got 3" of snow the other day, and it's gone. I see the end for me next week.

03-18-2023, 09:49 AM
think i,m going to be pulling most of mine this week, i have 20 i put in a couple weeks ago i'll leave because theyre running well still, but this 14 inches of snow we had sure makes it tough in the woods dumping buckets

03-21-2023, 03:34 PM
Just to update anyone who is following. I think things are winding down and this weeks warm temperatures will probably mean the end of the season in the northeast corner of the state but we'll see. I'm not getting much from my CT River Valley trees but above 750-1000' they are still flowing well, especially in places where there is snow cover. I'm convinced that helps and I always joke about putting in a snow making system for years like this. I finished boiling what sap I had this weekend and we'll see what I get this week.

03-22-2023, 03:24 PM
i,m pulling all mine tomorrow, tapped Feb6th on all buckets, now the clean up and get ready for next year

Mike Van
03-23-2023, 02:49 PM
I did my last pickup today, took everything down as i went. There was one tap from Feb 6th still dripping, good tree. I wound up collecting 2080 gal/sap for the season, my second best out of almost 25 years. Those 3 hot days back in Feb really hurt, I had lower volume after that. The 30+ new ones i tapped just over 3 weeks ago really saved me. Like i said earlier, what a weird winter. Here anyway, hardly any snow, or mud, or ice. I did fall down in the woods one day, tripped on a vine, slipped on the snow & crash. Spilled a half pail of sap. I've found the older you get, the faster gravity acts on you.

Sugar Bear
03-23-2023, 09:27 PM
I did my last pickup today, took everything down as i went. There was one tap from Feb 6th still dripping, good tree. I wound up collecting 2080 gal/sap for the season, my second best out of almost 25 years. Those 3 hot days back in Feb really hurt, I had lower volume after that. The 30+ new ones i tapped just over 3 weeks ago really saved me. Like i said earlier, what a weird winter. Here anyway, hardly any snow, or mud, or ice. I did fall down in the woods one day, tripped on a vine, slipped on the snow & crash. Spilled a half pail of sap. I've found the older you get, the faster gravity acts on you.

Do you think if you had taped everything 3 weeks ago you would have done even better?

Mike Van
03-24-2023, 04:09 AM
Do you think if you had taped everything 3 weeks ago you would have done even better? Not sure about that - I do know i couldn't do 2000+ gal/sap in 3 weeks, not at my age.

Sugar Bear
03-24-2023, 08:00 AM
Not sure about that - I do know i couldn't do 2000+ gal/sap in 3 weeks, not at my age.

Good point! Then there is my equipment that just barely kept sap out of the ground the second week of March.

Mike Van
03-24-2023, 12:13 PM
Just to add to that line a little - I hate the warm weather syrup making, flies & mold, the syrup is all dark, in the shed can get pretty hot - I'm just a cold weather guy i guess. I pickup afternoons, takes me about 2 hours now, all on buckets. The following morning i'm up at the barn, 4 AM sometimes - Cold & dark, no traffic going by, sometimes i hear the coyotes or an owl. Million stars out - I burn a lot of pine in the evaporator, good dry wood, burns fast & hot. Always a stream of sparks going up out of the stack. And the smell inside the barn - whats not to like about this hobby / business?

Sugar Bear
03-24-2023, 07:50 PM
Just to add to that line a little - I hate the warm weather syrup making, flies & mold, the syrup is all dark, in the shed can get pretty hot - I'm just a cold weather guy i guess. I pickup afternoons, takes me about 2 hours now, all on buckets. The following morning i'm up at the barn, 4 AM sometimes - Cold & dark, no traffic going by, sometimes i hear the coyotes or an owl. Million stars out - I burn a lot of pine in the evaporator, good dry wood, burns fast & hot. Always a stream of sparks going up out of the stack. And the smell inside the barn - whats not to like about this hobby / business?

Interestingly I saw almost no bugs this year. One moth the other day and that was it. A pair of hawks has built a nest in one of my Red Maples in New York and while flushing my lines yesterday the hawks were strafing me with claws extended. Pretty scary stuff.

This was definitely my favorite season so far. On the sugaring front.

04-11-2023, 10:43 AM
About the no bugs- same! I had some flies at the very very end but just a few houseflies. Saw maybe 1-2 sap flies, and yep, one moth got stuck in the pan. Thats it! Very weird. At least I heard the peepers last night as we shut down.

04-28-2023, 03:15 PM
Ants from almost the beginning...only a couple moths near the end.