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View Full Version : Where to Get Sugar Shack Plans

01-01-2023, 08:42 AM
I'm thinking of having a 40' wide X 20' long sugar shack built on a portion of a 40' X 80' poured foundation (already in place) for the 2024 season.

I'd love to have a timber frame sugar shack.

I would appreciate recommendations for where I might buy plans or have them designed.

01-01-2023, 11:22 AM
Check out TimberFrameHQ.com. I ordered plans there, and when lumber prices come down, I might actually build it.

01-01-2023, 03:27 PM
Do you want the plans so you can cut the frame yourself? I've been teaching a timber frame class for about 10 years now, and I have a VERY good student who took my class and the retiurned to serve as my reaching assistant. He just graduated from high school and is working on his own now. Great kid. He cut and sold 4 frames on his own this past summer and currently has 2 projects going in the 20x40 size.

He bought some software to design his frames. If you just want the plans he could draw them up for you. If you need the frame designed and cut, he's fully capable of that as well.

PM me if you're interested and I can give you more details.


01-02-2023, 05:39 PM
I wouldn't call a new construction 40x20 building a sugar "shack" especially since it will have a concrete floor. A shack implies that you don't have a concrete floor. I call mine a sugarhouse.

Are you thinking of a post & beam, or standard stick build? I think you can make rafters work with 2x10s by 16' on a 12:12 pitch.

Have fun!


01-02-2023, 09:35 PM
Check out TimberFrameHQ.com. I ordered plans there, and when lumber prices come down, I might actually build it.

My plans came from timberframehq.com, they also put together a hardware package with all the specialty fasteners and concrete anchors. I was able to get a local sawyer with a portable mill to cut all my timbers so i'm ready to go as soon as the last drop of sap is boiled for the 2023 season.

09-08-2023, 07:50 PM
....Also check out


i (https://mapleresearch.org/pub/sugarhousedesign/)t's a bit older, but still good info, and three example plans in the appendix.

09-13-2023, 12:39 PM
Do you want the plans so you can cut the frame yourself? I've been teaching a timber frame class for about 10 years now, and I have a VERY good student who took my class and the retiurned to serve as my reaching assistant. He just graduated from high school and is working on his own now. Great kid. He cut and sold 4 frames on his own this past summer and currently has 2 projects going in the 20x40 size.

He bought some software to design his frames. If you just want the plans he could draw them up for you. If you need the frame designed and cut, he's fully capable of that as well.

PM me if you're interested and I can give you more details.


I tried to send you the following private message, but got a message from MapleTrader that your storage space for messages is full so MapleTrader wouldn't send my private message.

You mentioned in a January 2023 post "He bought some software to design his frames. If you just want the plans he could draw them up for you. If you need the frame designed and cut, he's fully capable of that as well."

Please reply with contact details, ideally an email address, for this person. Thanks

09-13-2023, 05:41 PM
I tried to send you the following private message, but got a message from MapleTrader that your storage space for messages is full so MapleTrader wouldn't send my private message.

You mentioned in a January 2023 post "He bought some software to design his frames. If you just want the plans he could draw them up for you. If you need the frame designed and cut, he's fully capable of that as well."

Please reply with contact details, ideally an email address, for this person. Thanks

I just emptied my Inbox. Thanks for the heads up. I'll send you a PM.