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220 maple
12-18-2022, 10:16 PM
Sixteen pages in the Winter Issue featuring Tree Syrups, Walnut Syrup mainly, but covers several Maple areas in the state, and the value added products!
Mark 220 Maple
12-19-2022, 04:47 PM
I wasn't able to find the tree syrups mentioned. It appears to be subscription based.
Do you agree?
Thanks for the link.
220 maple
12-20-2022, 08:48 AM
Yes the periodical is subscription based, my friend who is the subject of the walnut operation is planning on buying extra copies, in West Virginia they can be found at Stores that sells magazines. If your looking for Walnut Syrup research, should be info on the Future Generations University website, they have been very involved with Gary’s Walnut operation!
Mark 220 Maple
12-20-2022, 06:13 PM
Thanks, great reading on the Future Generations website for sure.
Now I need to try to find the high tapered taps mentioned.
220 maple
12-21-2022, 06:28 PM
Lots of research is going on with walnut syrup production thanks to are friends at Future Generations. In my opinion the syrup is very pricey, my friend Gary has been getting 768 dollars a gallon in 8 ounce sizes and smaller, the producer in Highland County Virginia is getting 896 a gallon. Or is I like to point out 104 dollars from 1000 dollars a gallon! In my opinion the pectin will be the gold mine! With the Mayo Clinic doing research of the benefits of natural pectin, apparently helps with arthritis and gout.
Mark 220 Maple
12-24-2022, 09:29 AM
Future Generations University is a goldmine, especially for us southern sugar makers. I'm still waiting to hear how the walnut sap strainer "invention" works out. Haven't been able to find any data. Heard about it from Dr. Mike last year at a seminar in Wayne County WV. I follow a couple of walnut syrup pages on Facebook and many are using the pactin to make walnut jelly. I love black walnuts mixed with both honey and maple syrup. I have yet to make any walnut syrup yet, too busy with maples, but the price it commands keeps it on the top of my list once I get my syrup operation more efficient and automated. We've spent the last 7 years renovating a farm that hadn't been farrmed much in 20 years, besides mowing hay and wintering weanling calves in the barn. I've been building fence, 8 paddocks, 20 acres so far, a few more to go this year, puttin in watering systems in each paddock, renovating the barn, rotating sheep, cattle pigs & goats, keepin a couple dozen honeybee colonies goin. My sugaring operation has made baby steps every year with a few steep learning curves thrown in. Tapped 800 trees last year and boiled one time, ruined that entire 25 gallon batch of syrup when my auto defoamer malfunctioned. Along with 150 or so black walnuts, I've got a couple dozen birch trees that I intend to tap one of these years too. Anyways, I'm always excited to see more info about sugar making, esecially from my home state of West Virginia.
12-24-2022, 09:52 PM
You sir are a very busy man. I do hope that what you are doing is your fulltime job. I cannot imagine having to have a fulltime job on top of what you are trying to do on the side.
220 maple
12-26-2022, 10:25 AM
Future Generations tested a centrifuge to separate the pectin in the sap, appears to work, Gary was able to RO the sap getting it up to 5 percent sugar, they plan more research this season, ROing the sap is a game changer in my opinion, plus saving the pectin for further research.
Mark 220 Maple
12-31-2022, 08:18 AM
You sir are a very busy man. I do hope that what you are doing is your fulltime job. I cannot imagine having to have a fulltime job on top of what you are trying to do on the side. It's my fulltime Job, I retired from the Air Force 10 years ago.
12-31-2022, 07:06 PM
Thank you for your service, I too am a retired veteran.
01-16-2023, 06:36 PM
bmbmkr, i am also considering upgrading my Deer Run 125 with additional membranes and maybe upsizing pump. How did that work out for you? Any advice? How many GPH were you able to get to with the new pump/membrane? Thanks
01-21-2023, 08:04 AM
bmbmkr, i am also considering upgrading my Deer Run 125 with additional membranes and maybe upsizing pump. How did that work out for you? Any advice? How many GPH were you able to get to with the new pump/membrane? Thanks
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