View Full Version : 2022 Vermont Maple Conference

Jason Gagne
11-29-2022, 07:21 AM
Conference Info:
University of Vermont Extension and Vermont Maple Sugar Makers' Association are pleased to host the 2022 Vermont Maple Conference!
This year, we’re offering three online, interactive conference days December 7-9 and one in-person day December 10 at Vermont Technical College (VTC) in Randolph. We are excited to partner with Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets (VAAFM) to offer free syrup hydrometer testing and a tour of the State metrology lab that tests thousands of sap and syrup hydrometers every year.
The online and in-person sessions will be recorded, so that after the conference participants can watch them on their own time. Sessions will be focused on: Maple Business Management, Regulations and Maple, Sugarbush Health, Marketing and Media, and Maple Production and Innovation.
There are three fee levels for the conference this year:
1. Entire conference (the online sessions and recordings, the in-person Saturday sessions and Saturday lunch) $40.
2. In-person only conference at VTC (including lunch) $35
3. Online sessions only (including access to the recordings for each session). $20
Register online here: https://members.vermontmaple.org/event-5034027
Review the schedule of events here:
A Partnership between VMSMA & UVM Extension