View Full Version : Should I be spreading my wood ash in the forest?

07-23-2022, 01:19 PM

Just found this article in the local glossy free magazine.
I've been sending my ash to the local composter but maybe I should be saving it for the forest? I guess it makes sense that the chemicals in the ash would be made of the stuff trees need.

Any tips on when or how to spread the ash?

maple flats
07-23-2022, 07:13 PM
I spread mine in my fields, just keep it well spread, not in piles, too much of a good thing is bad. In the woods, same thing, spread it, no clumps or piles.

07-24-2022, 07:15 AM
I spread my ash in the woods near our shoreline. It is not only good for the trees, but is also a good source of calcium for the water. The lakes in our area are a little calcium deficient because of the previous years of acid rain.

I just have my bucket of ash, and throw the ash out of the bucket, it in a wide arc. I try to throw it in a different area each time.