View Full Version : Leaves falling from Maple Trees

Get r Done
06-02-2022, 08:42 AM
Wondering why several maple trees are dropping leaves at the stem? None appear to be chewed Looking at the tree heads and see large sections with no leaves? Caterpillar/Bugs What can be done to stop this?

Southern NH?

Andy VT
06-02-2022, 09:22 AM
Yikes! I have no idea but want to watch the discussion. Useful info would likely be are you seeing it only on one kind of maple such as sugar maple, are you seeing it only in one spot such as one section of your sugarbush... or seeing it scattered around your various travels? Dropped leaves still green and alive looking, or turned color?

06-02-2022, 02:20 PM
Wondering why several maple trees are dropping leaves at the stem? None appear to be chewed Looking at the tree heads and see large sections with no leaves? Caterpillar/Bugs What can be done to stop this?

Hard to say without seeing it, but at this time of year I'd suspect maple petiole borer https://extension.umn.edu/tree-and-shrub-insects/maple-petiole-borer

If not that, perhaps tar spot or wind damage. Photos might help.