View Full Version : Slimy Membrane

04-21-2022, 06:31 AM
While finishing season ending RO (single 4x40 post) cleanup yesterday, received quite a surprise.
Had followed my normal end of season RO cleanup........soap wash...rinse...acid wash...rinse...soap wash...rinse...break down and immerse in preservative. When I split the tube and removed the membrane, I got slimed out by this clear goo that came along with it. Rinsed off the membrane and sunk it in my PVC tube for the off season; but now wondering if this is indicative of another problem.
Any help out there?

Thanks, Bill

sweet spot maple addict
04-21-2022, 03:26 PM
From the description , it looks like an episode of "ropey".
Any warm spell at the end of the season ? Producing how long with same prefilter ? prefilter monitoring ?
Refer to your membrane specification , it should be able to tolerate about 40 Celcius or around 100 F , validate this maximum .
Put the membrane back in the RO , and do another soap wash at 100 F for about an hour, then with a new prefilter do another rince at 100F as well.
If you dont notice signs of slime anymore , store membrane in the PVC tube and dismantle RO to soap wash every tubing that goes to pressure gauge and flowmeter, and let dry.
The slim is a complex form of sugar with bacteria trapped into it , and the hot temperature is a must in the cleaning and rincing regimen.
Make sure the soap wash is reaching the desired pH , again validate with your spec, probably around 10