04-13-2022, 08:24 AM
MapleTrader isn't allowing me to upload photos, so I've uploaded them here:
Have you ever been to a Starbucks and thought, "I see white sugar, Stevia, Sweet'n'Low, but WHERE are the maple sugar packets?" Well, here is all the equipment you need to make and sell your own!
- Flexible Packaging Machine
This machine was manufactured by Foshan Jason Packing Machine Company and imported to the USA by yours truly. Sounds complicated but it's actually a fairly simple machine to use and setup. It could technically be used for any dimensional packing for any kind of loose product (salt, sunflower seeds, makeup?), but the packet former is custom made for the width of a sugar packet (you can order a former from Foshan Jason if you wanted to change up the dimensions). The way it works is the sugar is dumped from the hopper into a spinning dish which measures out ~4g of sugar volumetrically. The sugar is then dropped into the packet via the former. The packet (polypaper) is sealed, cut, and voila, a maple sugar packet!
- Hobart 20 Quart Mixer
This mixer is for producing the sugar itself. Runs great. Never had to tinker with it. No weird noises. I am the second owner; the first owner was a baker and never used it for pizza dough (the great punisher of commercial mixers). Comes with dough hook and paddle.
- Steel pan rack/10 pans
For drying the sugar
- Steel table
Sanitary work station
- 30 gallons of maple sugar
We do have a BOAT LOAD of maple sugar we'd be willing to sell.
- Packet paper, packet boxes
We have rolls of packet paper and boxes, which are branded.
Sadly, we are giving up our entrepreneurial maple pursuits. Our time and attention has been redirected to a Tartan 34 sailboat which we are prepping for an indefinite sail-around-the-world adventure this October. Gotta see the world before it all goes to hell!
Let me know if you are interested in any of all of the above products or have any questions! Everything is located in Strafford, VT.
Have you ever been to a Starbucks and thought, "I see white sugar, Stevia, Sweet'n'Low, but WHERE are the maple sugar packets?" Well, here is all the equipment you need to make and sell your own!
- Flexible Packaging Machine
This machine was manufactured by Foshan Jason Packing Machine Company and imported to the USA by yours truly. Sounds complicated but it's actually a fairly simple machine to use and setup. It could technically be used for any dimensional packing for any kind of loose product (salt, sunflower seeds, makeup?), but the packet former is custom made for the width of a sugar packet (you can order a former from Foshan Jason if you wanted to change up the dimensions). The way it works is the sugar is dumped from the hopper into a spinning dish which measures out ~4g of sugar volumetrically. The sugar is then dropped into the packet via the former. The packet (polypaper) is sealed, cut, and voila, a maple sugar packet!
- Hobart 20 Quart Mixer
This mixer is for producing the sugar itself. Runs great. Never had to tinker with it. No weird noises. I am the second owner; the first owner was a baker and never used it for pizza dough (the great punisher of commercial mixers). Comes with dough hook and paddle.
- Steel pan rack/10 pans
For drying the sugar
- Steel table
Sanitary work station
- 30 gallons of maple sugar
We do have a BOAT LOAD of maple sugar we'd be willing to sell.
- Packet paper, packet boxes
We have rolls of packet paper and boxes, which are branded.
Sadly, we are giving up our entrepreneurial maple pursuits. Our time and attention has been redirected to a Tartan 34 sailboat which we are prepping for an indefinite sail-around-the-world adventure this October. Gotta see the world before it all goes to hell!
Let me know if you are interested in any of all of the above products or have any questions! Everything is located in Strafford, VT.