View Full Version : 4 X 40 plastic end cap

03-30-2022, 08:03 PM
Sure could use some help finding where to buy 2 plastic end caps for a stainless steel housing. Need them to have a 1/2 inch hole in the center where the filter nipple goes into the O-rings.

03-30-2022, 08:34 PM
Amazon has them but you Probley won’t get them in time for when you need them.
I ordered a spare set last year.

03-31-2022, 07:19 AM
I have 1/2" npt (both ports) end caps, they are $20 each. Also have stainless. Email me at sales@therobucket.com if you want one.

04-04-2022, 12:14 PM
Thanks found out nothing wrong with the caps I have it is by passing somehow don't know what is wrong

04-04-2022, 12:54 PM
Assemble your vessel and take a look down the center hole of the end cap. Is the nipple on the end of the membrane fully contacting both internal o-rings? I bought a DuPont knockoff membrane a couple years back and was having the same issue. Found out the overall length was the same (nipple to nipple), but the element body was 3/8" shorter than the OEM, which caused the nipple on one end to not fully engage both orings. The result was that the flow would bypass the orings and very low pressures.

04-04-2022, 03:33 PM
Thanks on the how to on the O-rings. It was easy to get 200 psi and more but stopped at 205

04-05-2022, 07:00 AM
Thanks on the how to on the O-rings. It was easy to get 200 psi and more but stopped at 205

When I had this issue in my system sap would blow past the single o-ring right around 200psi and bypass directly to the permeate line. When you pull the cap off you might see the o-ring slipped out of its' groove in one area. That was the telltale sign for me that started my investigation and eventual discovery of the shorter membrane. Let me know if you find similar issues and I can walk you through how I "fixed" the problem from occurring again. I'm still using that same membrane and can press it up to 280psi without an issue.

Good luck!