View Full Version : Very amber sap since snow

03-23-2022, 04:27 PM
In south central Minnesota we got a slow start last week and about 10 gallons of fairly clear sap then it snowed and I’m noticing a very amber color sap in all the buckets as things restart. is this caused by the sudden shift in the weather?

03-23-2022, 06:26 PM
Most of the time this is weather related. I would say too warm. I have seen orange, brown, tan, and shades between. I have dumped some and boiled some.
Keep boiling!

Russell Lampron
03-24-2022, 06:25 AM
More than likely some snow got into the buckets which caused the yellow sap. Boil and taste some before you toss it. I've made a lot of good syrup from sap that was just like that.