03-17-2022, 11:11 AM
I built this system https://www.pinterest.com/pin/480829697719152909/ two years ago, and it takes my 2.8-3% sap over 6% easily, when it runs. But I had a rocky start to year two year, and I burned out the transformer running it all day waiting for the pump to prime. Amazoned a new pump and transformer and had my best season anyway. Now this year, I'm stalled at square one again: pump won't prime, and the bucket is 3 feet away and almost level with the pump. Swapped valves around in case I mis-remembered the order, but no change, and the colors match the pictures on the diagram. Haven't ruined anything yet, but pump humming and gets warm. Tried opening pump cap and wiped things off, but diaphram seems like new. End of season I run permeate through for maybe 4 hours. I'd upload pics if this feature would work today. My lucky day. Going out and tapping now. I really don't want another pump, but once you see the benefit of the RO process, it's hard to do without. I want to know what the heck I'm doing wrong. Help please.