View Full Version : Bernard Single Mechanical Releaser Issue

03-16-2022, 09:26 AM
I have a problem with my Bernard Single Mechanical Releaser. For reference, I use small 3.5 cfm rotary vane vacuum pump on my 150 taps. I can usually get 26", but things must be tight. For example, if one tap pulls out, I'm down to 10".

The problem I have faced this year is that often, in the lead-up to an impending release, the plexiglass guillotine raises up only part-way. It doesn't go up quite far enough for the follower-wheel to engage it into the dump position spot. When there is a ton of sap coming in, this isn't a big deal because within 30 seconds, enough additional sap flows in to lift the float the rest of the way to initiate the dump. But during slow-to-moderate runs, it poses a problem because the small o-ring that the float-rod goes through tends to ride up with the rod when it begins to lift. Just enough to create a small leak. When this leak starts, vacuum level starts to drop, sap stops coming in and the releaser stalls out. During the stall, the vacuum can drop from my usual 26" down to 15"-range (over about a 10-minute period) before that last little bit of sap can flow comes in to finally trigger a release. The problem isn't help by the fact that my Reds NEED good vacuum to run well. 15 inches doesn't cut it.

Has anybody seen this behavior before and how did you solve it?
Thanks in advance!

03-16-2022, 12:10 PM
I have the same releaser. I added a couple 1/4" washers as weight to hold the o ring down. Also check the springs. There is one on the wheel lever that will cause that if it is not adjusted right.

03-16-2022, 12:11 PM
The follower wheel needs to have enough tension on it to keep the float down until enough pressure build up to push rapidly up to the dump notch. Make sense?

03-16-2022, 02:14 PM
How do I adjust the tension on the follower wheel? It seems like it maybe has too much downward force on it right now, so that the wheel can't quite get over the hump on the first try. Do just straighten out the spring-wire a little bit?

03-17-2022, 06:13 AM
Yes that's right. Just bend the spring wire to adjust how much tension it puts on the notches in the lever. From what you had described, I thought it sounded like it needed more tension. The other spring that is part of that equation is the one on the float rod that pushes up as well. Just make sure that one is present and not broken as well.

03-17-2022, 06:16 AM
there should be a little spring on the fallower wheel that can be tightened and loosened. also, check the little nut that holds on the arm the spring is on. i had a similar issue and it turned out that, that nut was a hair to tight. loosened it up a hair and it was fixed. also, you may need a new "o" ring... the one the rod slides up and down on.

03-17-2022, 07:29 AM
Keep the rod lightly greased. Apply food grade grease to the entire rod, then wipe off with a clean cloth. All you need is a very light film.