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View Full Version : temp alarm with barometric correction

01-22-2008, 10:03 PM
Today I tripped out to pick up some storage tanks at a maple shop I had never been to before. The owner is a guy that really knows his stuff. He is past President of the Ontario Maple Producers Assoc.

In his shop he had a device that caught my eye, and with his strong recommendation, brought one home.

A digital temperature readout with an 1/10 degree setable upper or lower temperature limit ... that is automatically barometrically corrected for the boiling point.
The manufacturer claims
Temperature accuracy +/- 0.1 degree
Barometric accuracy 0.05" of Mercury
Boiling point accuracy 0.2 degrees F.

For less than $ 300. with the alarm. About $25 less without the alarm.

Their web site is http://www.unclerichardsmaplesyrup.com/
There is no info about it on the site but the contact info is there.

01-23-2008, 08:16 PM
Sounds like nice unit. I may be looking for something like this next year.
Did you really count all those bees? :)


01-23-2008, 08:28 PM
G no I didn't count them.

But at full summer strength a well managed hive will hit 40,000 and I've got 10. Some even more.

They make a lot more sweet with a lot less human effort than this insanity, but I like making syrup more. Lots of people you talk to are interested and curious about making syrup. I'm convinced 90% of them think you've lost it when you tell them you keep bees.

01-23-2008, 08:35 PM
Yea keeping bees is not for the weak of heart! They do teach you patience. Generally they dont like to be rushed or pushed much.
Yes several stings per year and they dont bother me as much as they used to. I have two friends that did have to quit because of allergic reactions to honey bees stings.


01-23-2008, 08:36 PM
alot more people would have bees if it wasnt for that stinger on the end


01-24-2008, 07:25 AM
I tracked down the maker of this unit. It is made in New Brunswick.

The maker also produces an automatic draw off similar to Marcland at a 40% lower price, low and high level alarms, remote tank alarms and digital depth guages.

check out www.ystec.com

They sell through LaPierre, Dominion and Grimm and Algiers so anyone offering those product lines would presumably be able to get them for you.