View Full Version : Ro bucket customer service!!!

In da bush
03-12-2022, 06:44 PM
So I replaced all of my membranes as well as added another housing to my RO bucket system. This morning I went to crank it up and was having issues, I contacted the RO bucket customer service, Carl, and he put me on some things to check. I checked what I could and had to run some errands. I came home and ran through the things I was supposed to check and no dice. I then went on to email Carl AGAIN, and he walked me through everything I needed to check and got me back up and running. I cannot stress enough how much the RO bucket/Carl cares about his customers. At 7 o’clock on a Saturday night I was corresponding with him to correct the problem, where else in the world in this day and age can you find that customer service. I’ll wait….
Thanks Carl!!!

03-12-2022, 07:36 PM
That mirrors my experience as well. Excellent company to work with.

03-12-2022, 07:45 PM
Yep. Have had 1 for a few years now and they really care. Great company.

03-12-2022, 08:36 PM
Ro bucket customer service..... Is outstanding

03-13-2022, 01:42 PM
Agree 100%. Their products and Carl’s customer service are fantastic. Great quality, timely shipping, great pricing and Carl’s knowledge are second to none. Carl even returned my call yesterday on a Saturday!! Great company

03-15-2022, 04:54 PM
So, what was it? I can't get mine to get going again either. Getting old and forgot what the hell it was when this happened last year and I burnt out the transformer. Did i put the check valves in the wrong hole again? Thanks. Befuddled old fart.

In da bush
03-15-2022, 08:26 PM
So, what was it? I can't get mine to get going again either. Getting old and forgot what the hell it was when this happened last year and I burnt out the transformer. Did i put the check valves in the wrong hole again? Thanks. Befuddled old fart.

Mine was an RO filter that wasn’t seated properly,easy peasy. Send Carl an email,he’ll square you away👍🏻