View Full Version : Miles per gallon

03-08-2022, 11:56 AM
As a back yard bucket hauler (40 taps spread out over 2-1/2 acres), I often wonder how many miles I walk during sap season: tapping, collecting, boiling, rinsing, cleaning, running in and out my back door a thousand times during a 10- or 12-hour boil. With all of the numbers we like to crunch, surely someone has kept track of such a thing? If I had a "step counter" I would try it. Maybe next year... :D

03-08-2022, 12:09 PM
if you have a smart phone it will count steps in the health app.. that being said i dont take my phone, i dont want to be distracted/ruin my quiet time in the woods!

03-08-2022, 05:10 PM
There's an app called Strava that would work. It's for athletes who want to keep track of their workouts, but it works for anybody who wants data like this. It uses GPS to track you mileage.

03-08-2022, 07:09 PM
I count the extra hole(s) I put in my belt when my belly shrinks.

03-09-2022, 06:44 PM
I count the extra hole(s) I put in my belt when my belly shrinks.

Hahaha, I lose around 5 lbs every season with all walking, lifting, during season. Probably at least one belt hole.

03-09-2022, 08:25 PM
Danny Schulz who's a member here told me he wore a pedometer one day while running his 4x14 intensofire. Said he walked 18 miles cooking syrup that day. Just cooking, not even going to the woods.