View Full Version : Looking for Help for 2022 Season

02-13-2022, 03:38 PM
I have been debating the wisdom of posting this but at this point in the timeline I need to look at all options as time is running out.

I was sick with the CCP Wuflu most of January. Now I am fighting pneumonia, slowly coming out of it now but I really feel like crap. Walking twenty feet without doubling over and running out of breath has become a major accomplishment for me. So I am basically screwed. At this point I have pretty much given up on making maple syrup this year, at least as a solo operation.

I am wondering if there is anyone out there in southwest Minnesota that might want to partner up and make maple syrup and granulated maple sugar on my site. No experience necessary, only requirements are a good work ethic, a near-obsessive focus on safety, a willingness to learn, and the ability to show up on time.

The offer: This is an outdoor operation, usually operating from 8:00am to 11:00pm at the latest. I am willing to work the late end if I am healthy to do so, so you can go home at a reasonable hour. We do not work outside if it is raining. I provide the trees on site. I tap the trees. I provide all the equipment, knowledge, and skills. I have all the firewood split up and ready. I do all the prep work and cleanup. I provide meals and coffee. I teach you the entire process as I know it. You show up reliably, when needed, and do at least 75% of the physical work collecting and boiling sap, monitoring the boil, and maintaining the fire. I help if I am physically able to. You take at least 25% of the final product, I take at most 75%. I have fifteen years of experience making maple syrup and granulated maple sugar as a solo operation. Last year, my personal best, I produced 16 gallons of quality finished syrup. With some expansion ideas I have been working on my goal this year was 18-20 gallons of finished product which I think is very realistic, especially if I were to have help.

Making maple syrup is strenuous and dangerous work that needs to be taken seriously (it is also a lot of fun or I would not do it). Prospective partner would have to sign a liability waiver, no exceptions. I will happily sign a contract to legalise our temporary partnership, in order to protect both parties. There will be zero alcohol consumption or drug use on site during the entire length of the sugaring season, break this rule and I will kick your rear end off the property so fast you will not know what happened. No children will be allowed on site due to the inherent dangers of running a fire and working with hot, boiling liquid. This is serious work, I am a serious person, and this is a serious offer. I am good at what I do and I make excellent maple syrup and granulated maple sugar, and I will help you to achieve the same. I do not screw around with stuff like this, and I do not play bullcrap games. You do not show up during the season when there is a lot of work to do will put you in breach, all agreements and contracts will be void and you will be SOL.

You are welcome to visit and check out the site before you agree to anything, but the clock is ticking and the timeline is getting tight...

Interested? Let me know, we can talk privately...

Located on a farm site northwest of Redwood Falls...

Thanks for your time.

02-13-2022, 06:18 PM
CCP wuflu?!? Language like that makes all of us look bad and has no place on a forum that wants to be welcoming to all people.

I wish you a speedy recovery and good luck with your maple season.

03-11-2022, 07:06 AM
Crap! Below zero again this morning (NW corner of Mille Lacs). So far I have opened trails in the bush, and that is all! Hoping that a week from now I will be all tapped ..... if it warms up as forecasted.

03-11-2022, 09:20 AM
i think is language is just fine... just sayin.

03-13-2022, 06:12 AM
I saw a meme the other day " freedom of speech is great..... It lets you see who the racist are"

03-13-2022, 07:37 PM
I saw a meme the other day " freedom of speech is great..... It lets you see who the racist are" That is a BINGO!

03-13-2022, 08:08 PM
Get over your high and mighty selves..