View Full Version : UVM celebrates the 75th Anniversary of the Proctor Maple Research Center

01-31-2022, 12:36 PM
The University of Vermont is celebrating the 75th Anniversary of the Proctor Maple Research Center. Research on maple trees and syrup production was being conducted at UVM since the mid-1800s. The "Harvey Farm" was gifted to the University by Governor Mortimer Proctor in 1946 for use as a center for the study of maple trees. The first research and syrup production took place in 1947 and has continued non-stop ever since.


A variety of events are scheduled to take place over the next several months. Details to follow.

01-31-2022, 06:32 PM
As a Vermonter, UVM Alum, and maple producer - congratulations Proctor Maple and all of the researchers and staff. You are our ROCK Maple Stars!

The Across the Fence segment was very cool.


02-01-2022, 06:14 AM
Congratulations. Is there anything planned for a celebration? Of course with Covid that makes it more difficult.

02-01-2022, 08:28 AM
Congratulations. Is there anything planned for a celebration? Of course with Covid that makes it more difficult.

A couple of different things but rolling them out at present is difficult. Probably a public event sometime this summer.

02-01-2022, 10:14 AM
Great Video, thanks for all that you do!