View Full Version : Weatherbell

01-23-2022, 02:22 PM
What is everybody using for long range forcasts, is the subscription for weatherbell worth it ? Put a lot of faith in Penn State's Weather world and kind of got burn't last year or maybe I didn't listen well ! Ron

01-23-2022, 03:43 PM
Long range forecasts of any type from any place are only useful in the most general sense. They may be able to forecast that temperatures will be higher or lower than average but that tells you nothing about the day to day forecast (which is what matters for sugaring).

01-23-2022, 09:10 PM
I agree with ecolbeck, accuweather provides a monthly forecast for free. I keep an eye on accuweathers forecast as well as several local forecasters. Especially the local 7 day.

01-23-2022, 09:48 PM
I use 4 randomly chose apps from Google play and average them. Works more than 50% of the time.

01-24-2022, 05:37 AM
Go on the National Weather Service’s website www.weather.gov and there is a wealth of free information. They provide various longer range forecasts for temperature and precipitation broken down into 7 day, 10 day, month, 3 months. You have to use some of the drop down menus to get the longer range forecasts.

01-24-2022, 07:03 AM

01-24-2022, 08:37 AM
Great information from everybody. Can't tell you the number of times that we watched the local weather, knocked a bunch of hay down, then was ready to kill the local weathermen. Seems like last year I listened to one source and was 100 percent wrong on when to tap. Hope to do better this year. Thanks Ron