View Full Version : 5/16 distorted/deformed while stretching

01-22-2022, 01:53 PM
So I put up my 1st 2 runs of 5/16 laterals the other day. Then, yesterday I went out to cut in the drops. I noticed 2 spots where the 5/16 was narrowed down like an hourglass; the one spot was probably down to about 3/16 OD, maybe less. I'm assuming I pulled it too tight when stretching it out the other day. I've got 2 rolls of 5/16; one is very light blue, I think it's 30p. But the other roll is slightly darker blue, not sure what brand/type it is, but the slightly darker blue stuff is what we used to run the laterals. Do these narrowed spots need cut out? I assume I should repair them with 5/16 - 5/16 connectors. These laterals will be put on a Shurflo for mech vacuum eventually. Thanks for the advice regarding whether these spots need repaired and how.

01-22-2022, 05:04 PM
Yes, pulled to tight and you'll want a straight connector to fix it.

01-22-2022, 05:35 PM
I agree with the fix. I'm surprised you were able to neck it down. I've seen it from a tree falling but not from myself tugging on it.

Sugarbush Ridge
01-22-2022, 08:57 PM
To me sounds like deer ran thru,, or moose or cow

01-23-2022, 07:31 AM
Thanks for confirmation about the fix.
No moose or cows in these woods, just deer.......and squirrels; so I'm assuming it was the 230lb animal pulling on it during installation that did it.
This is a flat woods, so I was pulling pretty tight to avoid sags and give it a slight pitch towards the pump.
Any idea what brands/types of 5/16 tubing is less like to distort like this? Or do they all do that eventually with enough force?

01-23-2022, 07:54 AM
30p which usually the cheapest and lasts the longest has zero give to it It can be difficult to work with.. Semi-rigid which seems to be the most popular and what we use has some stretch. We have used just about every brand and they all work. The key is to not to over tighten it. We also try to keep our laterals fairly short. If you need extra support we have found the black strapping that CDL has works well.