View Full Version : New Sugar shack smoke stack question

01-20-2022, 07:34 AM
I just built a 16x20 sugar shack with a 4x8 centered cupola. I can't seem to post a picture, but will try to explain the help I need.

I need to put the 10" stove pipe through the 8/12 pitch roof. I am concerned that if I put in between the rafters next to the cupola it will cause issues with the side flashing of the cupola. I also have 1x4 "purlins" nailed across
those rafters to help with nailing the cupola flashing down. If anyone has had a similar situation, please contact me. I can go between the next rafters where there is only metal showing; however, I would need to use elbows and a straight piece of pipe to reach it. Any help would be appreciated.
If you have help with posting pictures I will post a few as well.


01-29-2022, 07:26 AM
Hey Scott...pics always help. But, if you're concerned about the cupola flashing I would just use the next bay of rafters. I wouldn't worry too much about an elbow. If your stack is high enough you'll have plenty of draft.

01-29-2022, 01:54 PM
If you go between the next set of rafters, why do you need elbows? Can you just move the evaporator over some? (I know that is easier said than done sometimes!!) I re-engineered my set up this year to get rid of the elbows. (I also went from a 6 to 8" pipe, put a new roof on and went straight up instead of out the window and up). If you can't move the evaporator, try a slight angle, gradually going from the evaporator and going to where ever it goes through the roof. Just a thought.