View Full Version : How much peroxide to mix with water
11-02-2021, 11:06 AM
I have seen lots of posts about using peroxide to sanitize tubing, but am not sure about the proper ratio to use. I have been looking at purchasing 35% peroxide and mixing in a 50 gallon tank of water to flush my lines.
Thanks for any help,
11-02-2021, 03:36 PM
I use one gal of peroxide with 100 gal of water. This brings it down to the same percentage as the peroxide you buy off the shelf, and what I was told to use in the lines.
11-02-2021, 06:12 PM
Where do you buy 1 gallon containers of peroxide?
buckeye gold
11-03-2021, 06:01 AM
I found this in a search:
I have used reagent grade Hudrogen Peroxide a fair amount in my career and I don't want to use it in my maple. It works, but man be careful, 35% will burn you bad.
I think I recall seeing 3% recommended. The formula would be Gallons of water x desired concentration / active ingredient % Ex. 100 gal water x 3% / .35% active ingredient = 8.57 gallons of Hydrogen Peroxide in a tank then fill to the 100 gallon mark. So 91.43 gal water and 8.57 gallon hydrogen peroxide. Someone correct me if I am wrong
11-03-2021, 02:43 PM
Peroxide is the least effective (and least cost effective) of the chemical sanitizers that UVM and Cornell studied for maple.
buckeye gold
11-03-2021, 04:24 PM
Peroxide is the least effective (and least cost effective) of the chemical sanitizers that UVM and Cornell studied for maple.
Thanks for the reminder Dr. Tim. Also, you can buy a bag of 70% calcium chloride at a pool shop for around $2.00 and mix a bunch of line cleaner
Peroxide is the least effective (and least cost effective) of the chemical sanitizers that UVM and Cornell studied for maple.
also dry rots your fittings and makes them brittle
12-25-2021, 07:24 AM
here in canada i use isoprpyl alcohol in my laterals and mainline...i leave it in until about october then drain and flush with spring water then let air dry and close up spiles into their holder and patiently wait for march to roll around...
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