View Full Version : Oil fire set up

Greg MacWilliam
10-21-2021, 08:08 PM
We are setting up our new oil burner in our converted evaporator. What is a good stack temp to shoot for and how much draft in the stack? Thanks

10-22-2021, 10:50 AM
Lot if info here https://leaderevaporator.com/content/Leader-Insulated-Oil-Arch.pdf

I would say these are starting points. Easier to give advice if we knows what size rig and what burner you’re thinking.

Greg MacWilliam
10-22-2021, 04:54 PM
We are running a 30 X 10 with an 8 ft flue pan. Just bought a Beckett cf800 with a variety of nozzles planning on 5 to 6 gph at 150psi

10-23-2021, 07:56 AM
On my 3x12 I found 150 psi was too high. Put the flame too far back and front pan wouldn’t boil like I wanted it to. I backed off to about 125 and wet to a larger nozzle. I played with a bunch of nozzles and found a hollow worked better for me. My stack temp about 2 feet up runs about 650°. I do not have a barometric damper in my stack. I also have 2 friends, one with a 4’ rig and one with a 5’ that don’t run one with no problems.

10-23-2021, 07:56 AM
On my 3x12 I found 150 psi was too high. Put the flame too far back and front pan wouldn’t boil like I wanted it to. I backed off to about 125 and went to a larger nozzle. I played with a bunch of nozzles and found a hollow worked better for me. My stack temp about 2 feet up runs about 650°. I do not have a barometric damper in my stack. I also have 2 friends, one with a 4’ rig and one with a 5’ that don’t run one with no problems.

Greg MacWilliam
10-23-2021, 06:03 PM
We have a tester for the flue vacuum and plan on installing a manual butterfly damper in the flue. Our flue is 10 inch and 25ft of stack, worked great for wood but probably too much for oil

10-23-2021, 07:44 PM
I have at least that much 12” stack