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View Full Version : vacuum for sap ladder

10-10-2021, 06:40 AM
I've got a small problem. I have approx. 300 taps on drops and laterals going into a 3/4 mainline. At the end of the mainline I have a 1000l tote for collection. My plan is it to add a sap ladder (approx. 8ft rise)at the end of the mainline and go another 1000 ft approx. to a field for collection. From the end of the mainline to about 250 feet is relatively level but after that its all down hill. I'm using a diaphram pump(3.5lpm) for vacuum on the mainline and it worked quite well last season. I have read that diaphram pumps aren't a good vacuum pump and probably wont work well for a sap ladder. What am I better off using to get my sap ladder to work? Thanks for any input.

Greg MacWilliam
10-10-2021, 07:21 PM
Just use a pump instead of a ladder. You are correct the small diaphragm pumps do not have enough cfm to run a ladder. Those pumps do pump up quite well

10-11-2021, 05:06 AM
thanks greg...i'll work with that...cheers