View Full Version : Renting trees
01-13-2008, 07:04 AM
As a newbie I'll be asking a lot of questions. What do you mean when you say renting trees? and how would one go about it?
01-13-2008, 07:45 AM
i rent my sugar from a local farmer. i sign a 10 year lease as i have a lot of money in the woods. so if they break the lease they i responsible for repayment on lose of syrup and supplies. i pay him 0.30 cents a tap. but i think you can rent trees from the state ,(road side trees,)for 0.25 cents a tap but i don't know much about it .should contact your local DEC office and get more info.
01-13-2008, 11:16 AM
i wish i could rent for thirty cents a tap. i piad 40 for years, now i hate to tell you what i am paying. the best part is it runs to the sugar house. so i am not buying gas
01-13-2008, 04:02 PM
I rent my bush from a local farmer. I pay 1/10 th of what I get for a gallon of syrup per tap. So if I get $40 a gallon then I pay him 40 cents a tap. The only terms I ask for is that they let me make the following season after deciding to ask me to vacat the woods. That justifies any repairs I make late in the season and in the post season. It also gives me a summer to take the tubing down and move it to another woods if need be. ( this has only happened once so far)
Fred Henderson
01-13-2008, 04:06 PM
i rent my sugar from a local farmer. i sign a 10 year lease as i have a lot of money in the woods. so if they break the lease they i responsible for repayment on lose of syrup and supplies. i pay him 0.30 cents a tap. but i think you can rent trees from the state ,(road side trees,)for 0.25 cents a tap but i don't know much about it .should contact your local DEC office and get more info.
Why would he have to contact the DEC to rent road side trees? The state does not own the land the trees are on. Anyone paying property taxes pays to the center of the roadway. The Highway Dept(township) only has a R.O.W. to have a highway there. Whoever owns the land along a given road owns the trees.
01-13-2008, 04:26 PM
yah that is the same here but im not going to rnet any thing until my hole bush is tapped
01-13-2008, 06:00 PM
All our roadside bush is "rented" Still paying at a rate of one gallon of syrup for every 100 taps to the property owners.
01-14-2008, 06:08 AM
buy contacting the dec i ment if you want to rent new york state land trees.if you have any state land buy you , you can rent the road side trees for 25 cents a tap.
Fred Henderson
01-14-2008, 03:04 PM
buy contacting the dec i ment if you want to rent new york state land trees.if you have any state land buy you , you can rent the road side trees for 25 cents a tap.
I guess that if you were using horses and sleds to gather that you could drive them onto state land. But I don't have a state land near by.
01-14-2008, 04:16 PM
thanks for the ideas, and prices. gives me some place to start. I agree about tapping whole bush before going outside. I just asked a nieghbor of mine about his place and he told me I could tap whatever i wanted for free.of course I'll be sure to give him some syrup. he might even have some spiles to give me. I would think the problem with road side trees is finding out who thinks they own them.
01-14-2008, 05:58 PM
well the other day i asked my neighbor if i could tap his land and he said yes for free but ill give him some syrup so before i do any road trees i got about 3000 taps on my land and 1000 on his so i am only at 250 hopping to put the rest up that will but me up to 320 so i got a long way to go
maple flats
01-21-2008, 08:45 AM
It is easy to find out who owns the trees roadside either of 2 ways. Tap them and you will find out (not the best idea) or go to your county clerks office. There in the tax map dept you can find a map of the whole county, devided into townships. Find the property on these maps, get a map copy (small fee) in a reasonable scale (several optionsare available). This fine detail map will give you the name of every landowner. It will show a boundry for each and will have the owner labeled on each property. In NY state this is how I have done several searches, I am not sure how other states might do it, but you are in NY, land of taxes.
01-21-2008, 08:51 AM
you don't need the states permission to tap road side trees only if there on state land!
01-21-2008, 07:02 PM
comments withdrawn with apologies
01-22-2008, 07:24 AM
SO he meant 1/100 price of a gallon. Just like 100 taps = 1 gallon of syrup rent. I could figure out what he meant.
Seems there is a lot of criticism on the boards recently. We should be encouraging people to share their ideas and learn from them. Not be so quick to T up on someone.
There's alot of nice people on this board with lots of good information. Sometimes not so good but you be the judge on your own time.
Isn't there a golden rule mothers taught their children, something about if you don't have anything nice to say.....
01-22-2008, 07:36 AM
It's sometimes hard to convey mood or attitude in writing. No Screen Writer's Guild members here I think.
Certainly not me.
I've never heard of tree renting before this thread started and really didn't know which way he intended.
I tried to make this sound light and silly.
Apologies if it was taken any other way.
NH Maplemaker
01-22-2008, 07:39 AM
Well put Royalmaple!!!!!
Jim Brown
01-22-2008, 07:58 AM
royalmaple; very nicely put. I for one have learned a great deal from this forum and would hate to see it ruined in any way.
enough said!!
01-22-2008, 08:25 AM
well said ROYAL sometimes when sitting here typing and smiling the words come thru but the smile doesnt. always good to read what you have typed then correct it. just my thoughts
Dave Y
01-22-2008, 08:51 AM
Well now that we have that sraightened out; the best and only way to expand your tapping activity,if you don't own property, is to rent or lease trees. I for one only own 5 trees. They are the trees that got me started. If it wasnt for other folks trees I wouldn't be where I am now. If you are going to rent trees you can't be bashful.The bush I just set up is rented from a fellow that walked into my sugarhouse one day to buy syrup. I knew he owned the woods so I came right out and asked. I Knew him just by sight. The best ? I ever asked. I have another bush that I tap, its a camp development. I Found out who owned the property and sent them a letter of introducion and asked permission to tap their trees out of 15, I got back 10 yes , 1 no and no response from 4. Now I have over 500 taps there. And they are happy to have me there. 2 weeks ago I discovered 8 of the camps had been broken into, they will never ask me to leave. And its for a qt of syrup per owner. My tubing bush is .30 a tap with lots of room for expansion. If you see trees that arent being tapped and you would like to, walk up and knock on the door, state your business. You might be suprised what you come away with.
01-22-2008, 09:24 AM
I would like to echo what DaveY said..we tap on about 14-15 different properties- average is about 10-12 buckets per property- and while we are probably too generous with our sap to syrup payment, without these trees, we would be tapping only about 35-45 taps...
Last year we tapped in front of a nice B + B down the road from us. before I got home, the neighbors across the street had called and offered their trees. Nice huge roadside trees that ran like all get out...
Whats better was that everyone who stayed at the B + B came up the road to the sugahouse and bought some syrup...
I have only had one "no" of the 20 or so people I have asked about tapping...
Jim Brown
01-22-2008, 10:34 AM
I have to agree with the other post .I just let the word out that I was looking to lease some trees to tap. The first person to call was willing to let us lease his property for 7 years with a 7 year option(100 acres) we lease for 25 cents on natural flow and 50 cents on vac. Will have all on vac this season.Person wants paid in syrup not cash!
01-22-2008, 10:58 AM
i found 25 trees on roadside stopped and asked and owner said tap em no charge. i give him 2 qts every year.the worst they can say is no. go for it
Russell Lampron
01-22-2008, 11:21 AM
Right on Matt, I have been guilty of some of that myself.
Like Dave Y said just go ask the land owner if you see some trees you would like to tap. The land owner may not be interested if you offer cash but offer syrup in trade and it is hard for them to say no.
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