View Full Version : XLP 4040 membrane

Sappy Camper
06-25-2021, 01:46 PM
I am wondering if anyone here knows anything about the XLP-4040 RO membrane made by Max Water (a Canadian Co.). It appears to be very similar to the Dow XLE-4040, but costs significantly less. Is anyone using these for sap? The makers say it is good for sap, but I can't find where people have mentioned it here. If there were a way to save a few bucks, a sugar maker is doing it. I'm a long time lurker and first time poster.

06-26-2021, 04:33 AM
Amazon lists xle for $25 less than xlp. I have used xle membranes in the past and will say MES and H2O membranes seem to flow faster for me.

Sappy Camper
06-27-2021, 09:52 AM
I find the XLP on Amazon for less than the XLEs. However, the prices differences have gotten much smaller than they were a few months back - not enough to be a deciding factor now. I'm looking at the MES membranes too, but they are sold out right now.