View Full Version : She said YES

01-12-2008, 03:41 PM
I now own a real evaporater. I bought a 2 1/2x 10 Leader. Tin flue pan and a SS syrup pan both are very clean and solid. I have to go and debrick it and haul it home next week. It's only an hour from home yah!!!!!!!!! Say good bye flat pan and concrete block arch (now footings). I went from 66 taps to 250 (all road trees and only 80 buckets) for this year. Was looking at another 70 but decided to stop and get the hang of this new unit. Thanks to all the TRADERS for your help and advice this past year. I'm GEEKED now let the sap flow

VT maple maker
01-12-2008, 04:20 PM
Congrats on the new evaporator. Im sure it will be much nicer than the flat pans. I have my 2x6 now and cant wait to try it out this year! The sap will be flowing soon enough. For now i still have plenty to do to get ready. Good Luck with the new rig.

01-12-2008, 04:50 PM
way to go FIRETECH good luck with the new set up. someone once told me the money was on the west side of the state.also should go for more taps you will need the extra sap{have fun}


01-12-2008, 05:58 PM
Congrats and good luck. Sounds like you have a good wife!!!!!!