View Full Version : Tapping in Kentucky- 2008
andrew martin
01-11-2008, 06:39 PM
Put in 190 taps today - all buckets. Will put in another 50 taps tomorrow. The remaining 100+ taps we will put in sometime after January 22nd. Looks like the weatheris going to be decent (but not great) sugaring weather for the next week, followed by a cold spell.
A reporter from the County paper came to the farm today and took some pictures and did a brief interview, I think the story is going to appear in the January 24th issue.He is going to come back and take more pictures while we are collecting and boiling. I will post the website when it becomes available.
I will let you all know when we start boiling - probably by Monday or Tuesday.
01-12-2008, 03:31 AM
Andrew Martin- Keep up the good work. You know when your doing press releases your not monkeying around. You should make some nice light syrup this time of the year. Is this kind of normal for you guys to tap? Theron
andrew martin
01-12-2008, 06:28 AM
THis is normal for us to tap mid-January. Our season is typically done by the first week in March,and usually I am exhausted by then as well. It's funny that by the time we pull our taps,the guys in VT,NHand ME are just putting their taps in. Gosh, if I owned property in ME, I could have a three month sugaring season (my wife would love that!!). I tapped two of the largest trees I have ever seen in KY yesterday, and I was tempted to put 3 taps in it, but I held to my commitment of no more than two taps in any tree. One tree was about 32" in diameter,the other close to about 34" in diameter. We just do not have a lot of trees that big here, usually because drought gets them. I had an 80 year old farmer helping for the last hour, and that's when I found out he was 80, I thought he was early 70's,and he gets along great - I just hope to make it to 80.
Today will be a great today - 26 degrees and clear last night (4 degrees lower than the forecast) and it is supposed to hit 45 degrees today with sunny skies. Sounds like a great start to the season already.
01-12-2008, 06:54 AM
The only problem with a 3 month season in NE is that most of the time it is too cold until the end of Feb and the first of March. It hits 15 to 20 below up there, lot different than KY.
01-12-2008, 07:32 AM
Brandon you're right about that. Just a couple of weeks ago it was -17 raw temp one night. Ouch, cold.
Andrew you've got an open invitation to do a second season anytime you want to come up.
andrew martin
01-12-2008, 12:29 PM
Thanks for the invite, don't think my wife would go for it. Maybe I can visit for a week. My brother-in-law just moved to Montpelier, VT,and I couldn't think of a better reason to visit VT, especially in March or April.
We put in 60 more taps today, so we are up to 250 taps, with still a hundred to put in 10 days from now. THe trees were running HARD today, and the guy who helped me tap was utterly amazed at how much sap comes from one tap. He didn't believe me when I told him one tap could fill a 12 qt sap bucket, but I think I convinced him today. Tomorrow should be a good haul of sap.
01-12-2008, 06:54 PM
Andrew- How much sap did you get today? Have you started boiling yet? Theron
01-12-2008, 07:06 PM
Welcome to the 2008 sugaring season Andrew. I wondered when someone else was going to tap. Good luck this year.
01-12-2008, 07:09 PM
Mountainvan- How are your runs so far? Theron
andrew martin
01-12-2008, 07:17 PM
Great run today, powder blue skies all day and a high of 46 degrees. I will collect tomorrow, and most likely boil tomorrow night or first thing MOnday morning. I ckecked several taps today, and I'm guessing we will average about one gallon of sap per tap, hopefully more. I have three high school kids that are going to help me tomorow, so collecting should go pretty fast. With a run like today, I am tempted to put in those extra 100+ taps, but I know it will serve me better to wait.
I will keep you posted, should have some Grade A light by Monday or Tuesday, and I am sure the customers will not be too far behind.
andrew martin
01-12-2008, 07:41 PM
What city in PA are you in? - just curious. We have family in Sullivan and Ulster Counties in New York State.
If the weather forecast is "accurate" I should be able to do 4-5 boils in the next 10 days. I can only hope this is true, and if so, this will be the best beginning to any season we have ever had. Cannot wait to start dumping sap in the tank tomorrow.
01-12-2008, 07:55 PM
Andrew- Ill tell you what you might have a heck of a season at this rate. Im in tioga county Pa. Kind of between Williamsport Pa and Elmira NY. Here the weater looks like its going to hold out till friday. Then I think its going to be cold a while. Im shooting for valintines day. Have to see. This is pretty early here for sure. Good luck, keep us posted. You and Mountain van are the first sugarmakers of the season. I want lots of stats. Do you have any pictures of your operation? Theron
01-12-2008, 08:21 PM
The 100 taps will likely still be pouring when the others are slowing down or quitting. If you like to extend your season, waiting another 10 days is the thing to do!
Valley View Sugarhouse
01-12-2008, 08:59 PM
Andrew if you ever have the chance to get up to VT in march or early April give me a shout I am only 20 min from Montpieler I would love teh help in the sugarhouse... Hell bring the wife I am sure she could have fun with mine talking about how much fun thaey have being sugaring widows!!1
andrew martin
01-13-2008, 06:25 AM
My wife once complained about being a deer hunting widow, but deer season pales in comparison to sugaring season. My wife once joked about starting a support group for wive, perhaps even doing it on Maple Trader. THings are getting better, especially since this year my entire operation is outside - no more finishing on the stove top, no more mud in the house, and no more dead houseplants. Have fun.
01-13-2008, 07:47 AM
or you can come up to WV as I am a lot closer to you and my season usually runs to around March 20th!
220 maple
01-14-2008, 08:38 PM
Thats a big 10---4 on March 20, In the past we have boiled on the last day of March.I believe the Spring of 2000, Never boiled in April yet. Several of the Highland County syrupmakers have made syrup in April. Last year I didn't tap until the thrid week of Feb., Had a 4 week season that was excellent by my standards.
Mark 220 Maple
01-14-2008, 08:59 PM
You are about 3 to 4 hours north of me and a little higher elevation too I believe. Either way, that much farther north is going to allow you to go a little later than I could.
andrew martin
01-15-2008, 06:34 PM
THe run was not as good as I thought it would be, had several dry taps - collected about 150 gallons off of 200 taps. I did not get to other 50 buckets because I had to take my two boys with me, and my 18 month old had a nuclear meltdown half way through the gathering. One guy with me thought at first it was a baby rabbit getting attacked by a coyote at first - and I said NO, that's Matthew and he's not happy.
So, I boiled what I had and sweetened the syrup pan, and checked for leaks. I was going to do a test boil with water this year, but I didn't want to waste the wood nor 100 gallons of water. 37 degrees and sunny today, SUpposed to be 21 degrees tonight and 43 degrees tomorrow - we will collect and boil on THursday, perhaps making some syrup THursday afternoon. Forecast looks favorable for the beginning of next week as well, and looks like the cold weather will be here for a little while.
Valley View Sugarhouse
01-15-2008, 09:36 PM
it is great to hear you are off and running.. it sounds like a .75 gal a tap is a pretty good start.. hope all goes well for you.,.. keep us posted..
andrew martin
01-16-2008, 05:48 AM
Is an expectation of 1 gallon per tap too much to ask for - what kind of ration do you other folks get? I am really understanding now how tree health plays a significant role in this, for the last seven taps I collected from on Sunday, I got 16 gallons of sap!!! - and on others, I was lucky to get 5 gallons from 10 taps.
01-16-2008, 07:01 AM
It depends on a lot of factors and every tree is different. Usually, the first run is not heavy as the trees and/or ground may still be frozen some and it takes time to get things thawed good. Barometric pressure and many other factors come into play also. Just continue to watch it as the season goes along and see what happens.
andrew martin
01-16-2008, 07:34 PM
My gosh, the forecasters were way off today. Even Accuweather predicted the high today to be 43 degrees. We only hit 33 degrees today, so no sap run this week - probably not until next week. I am going to Georgia this weekend, and it is going to be a cold weekend here, so no sap until I get back on Monday.
Russell Lampron
01-17-2008, 05:32 AM
Andrew I have found that the Weather Channel forecast is more accurate than Accuweather. Accuweather is always predicting temps that are higher than what we actually get.
andrew martin
01-17-2008, 12:53 PM
OK, well it hit 40 degrees today with most cloudy skies, looks like we may have a small run today. We are leaving for Georgia tonight and will be back on Monday at 3 am. It is supposed to hit 40 again tomorrow with more sun, so maybe I will have a pleasant surprise in my buckets when I return, I can only hope. Have a great weekend.
01-17-2008, 07:25 PM
Go gettum Andrew!
From the looks of the weather, it looks like your suprise will be well frozen in your buckets:)
andrew martin
01-17-2008, 09:57 PM
Gathered 75 gallons of sap from the 55 buckets I did not get to on Sunday, and did a little boil tonight so I would not have a gigantic ice cube in my stock tank come MOnday morning. Getting real close to making syrup, by Tuesday we should have our first batch of light syrup - bring on the pancakes. Sugar content is between 2.3 and 2.8, which I am pleased with, given we had drought light conditions the last half of the summer. Have a great weekend.
andrew martin
01-21-2008, 11:37 AM
Going to get 200 gallons of frozen ice cubes this afternoon, taps ran harder than I expected them to this weekend. Good to be back in colder weather - it is refreshing, and a lot better looking than the pine plantations of south Georgia. Will boil tonight and hopefully make some light.
andrew martin
01-22-2008, 12:40 AM
Made 4.5 gallons of light. THis was a great night for boiling - full moon and no wind, about 30 degrees, a beautiful sight watching all that steam just go straight up. This stuff tastes great, pancakes this weekend. We will put the remainding 100 taps out this week.
01-23-2008, 05:01 AM
Andrew- Nice job on the syrup. Are you guys pretty much right into your season now? Hows the weather looking for the next few weeks? Let us know when you have your first really good run. That always gets me all pumped up to make syrup. Theron
01-23-2008, 08:23 PM
Where is Wilmore? Anywhere close to Bowling Green?
Good luck putting out the 100 taps later, this may work real well for you and extend your season?
Fresh syrup sounds great!
We will be watching your progress. Still to cold here. Still making drops and getting ready (the other portion of making maple) :)
andrew martin
01-23-2008, 08:23 PM
THe weather is descent, but no major runs.....yet. Next week is looking great so far, with a little warm up, then back to excellent sugaring weather. I think next week will be a great week for sugaring, and as of now, I will be boiling at least three times next week. We had powder blue skies Monday and today, but the temp never got above 37 degrees. THe sap will run at this temp, but if it had been 3-5 degrees warmer, I would be boiling tomorrow instead of going to work, amamzing what a few degrees makes.
So far, we have made 4 gallons of medium, which is surprising, because we usually make light for 2 weeks, then go to medium. Regardless of the color, it tastes so good. I am tapping my remaining 100 taps on Friday, and I think just in time, since we will have descent runs on Friday and Saturday and probably into SUnday as well. Supposed to be 22 degrees tonight, then only 10 degrees tomorrow night followed by a good warm up.
I will post the link for the Jessamine Journal on Friday, and our sugaring operation will be in the NEIGHBORS section.
Happy sapping,
andrew martin
01-23-2008, 09:14 PM
we are 2.5 hours from Bowling Green, BG being Southwest from us. We are located 11 miles south of Lexington, which is 1.5 hours directly South of Cincinnati, OH.
I think this year will be a good year, and I am glad I tapped early, and I am glad I waited 2 weeks to put in my additional 100 taps. This year is the first year I am doing everything outside in the sugar house (boiling, finishing, filtering, and canning) and my wife is very pleased with all this because there will be less mud in the house and a lot less noise which means I won't wake up our children at 1 a.m. anymore.
I am going to TN to get my brother's four wheeler this weekend, and this will help my gathering process. I am planning on attaching a 35 gallon tank on the front rack and and another on the rear rack of the 4-wheeler. Is this too much weight for a 4-wheeler and should I use only one tank?? I think his 4-wheeler is a 350 or 400, not too sure.
01-23-2008, 09:41 PM
Those racks are usually rate for 90 to 100 lbs on that size of a atv. 35 gallon including tank is 300 lbs or more. Might want to pull a small trailer behind it, 600 lbs is way too much per manufacture for that size atv.
andrew martin
01-23-2008, 11:13 PM
Hey everyone,
Check out the article in our local paper - and check under the NEIGHBORS section. I wish there were more pictures (steam rising from the sugarhouse is always a great sight), but we could not get together for pictures while we were collecting or boiling.
01-24-2008, 01:56 AM
That's a very nice newspaper article. We've collected about 160 gallons of sap the past couple of days, but it will probably be Friday before we start boiling. That is, if it's not frozen too hard to run out of the storage tank. Looks like the conditions are going to be right for a good sap flow over the weekend. If I get caught up, I may try to come up to look at your setup on Saturday, Feb. 2. It looks like you're about 100 miles from me, so that will be a nice drive.
Gill Jessee
01-24-2008, 04:25 AM
Andrew- Neat article. Sometime maybe you could get some pics of your operation for us. Id be interested to see your setup. Theron
Dave Y
01-24-2008, 06:07 AM
very nice article, great advertising! You will have to expand !
andrew martin
01-24-2008, 06:20 AM
Dave Y,
SHHHHHH, don't tell my wife about expanding, especially while she's pregnant. I hope to do about 400 taps next year, as long as I have the help for collection.
Jesseeg - hope to see you next weekend, look forward to meeting you.
01-24-2008, 08:20 AM
Good for you, nice article. Are there any large operations in KY sugaring?
andrew martin
01-24-2008, 07:30 PM
I do not know of any large operations in KY. I had heard at one time there was a 600+ tap operation somewhere between Lexington and Cincinnati, but not sure of its current existence. I may check with the Ohio Maple Producers Association and see if there are any members from Kentucky.
THe forecast looks very favorable for next week, I think I will take off the entire week from work - should be able to do at least four boils next week. Our zip code is 40390, and we tend to run 2-3 degrees cooler at night than what THe Weather Channel predicts, and usually right on target with daytime temps. I am salivating as I read the weather forecast, but always keeping in mind that it is subject to change.
01-24-2008, 08:27 PM
OK (sssshhhh) am writing this real quite like. Congratulations on the addition to the family and the future production of more syrup.
I liked the article!
andrew martin
01-24-2008, 08:49 PM
More production is good as long as I can get it out of the woods and into my evaporator. It is going to be 7 degrees here tonight - BRRRRR!!! Good thing I have an indoor job tomorrow morning, then into the woods to tap the last 100 taps, then boil, boil, boil.
David Austin Cody
01-25-2008, 02:15 PM
Nice article Andrew.
Just sent off for 20 5/16th inch spiles today and hope to have them in before we come down to visit in February.
My wife thinks I'm nuts and maybe I am but I got the maple fever and the only cure is to TAP it out of you. (a little play on words there)
Anyway, good luck on the next 100 taps. May each tap bring you a 100 gal or more. (kinda wishful thinking)
Totally NEW to this.
20 taps on mail order.
No way to evaporite anything yet, but I will have something when the time comes.
01-25-2008, 07:03 PM
Welcome! Now That's starting with positive thinking! How did you get the maple bug? Let us know what your boiling system ends up to be. Nice hobby that lets you be very creative and still make a quality product.
Got to love watching water boil!:)
20 taps should = 4-5 gallon of syrup depending on the trees!
andrew martin
01-25-2008, 08:01 PM
It seems that the family of Kentucky sugarmakers is growing, and I hope it continues to grow. It was 6 degrees here last night with a high of 27 today with powder blue skies. I put in the remaining 90 +/- taps, and I ran out of buckets with at least 50 more taps to put in. Guess I will have to get more buckets and taps, what a shame!!?? Never thought I would run out of buckets - Guess I will get to 400+ taps next year. A good portion of our bush is on the south slope overlooking the KY River, and even though it was only 27 degrees today when we tapped, we had probably 20 trees that were leaking sap when we drilled into them - some were dripping 1 drop every 2-3 seconds, I can only imagine what they will do when the temp hits 43 degrees on Sunday. Right now, we have out 340 +/- taps, and I think I can scrounge a few more buckets and get to around 360 taps. I have already exhausted my budget for this year, so I will have to wait until next year to purchase another 100 buckets and taps. HAve a great weekend everyone.
David Austin Cody
01-26-2008, 05:30 AM
Hello Chris,
Got the Maple bug a couple of years ago but never done anything with it until 2008.
Had a massive heart attack with all kinds of complications in 2000 which left me disabled.
Now I just do what little I can and am thankful for that.
I have a very positive attitude and that may well be the reason I'm still here today.
As for the evaporation system, I'll post info on that after I do it.
andrew martin
01-27-2008, 06:56 PM
Dave and Gill
Hope you are still able to make it this weekend - looks like it will be a nice weekend with some sun. We may actually be boiling this weekend if all goes well. Give me a call or a PM and we can talk about times.
Put in another 25 taps today, and everything on the south slope was running hard today, should have a good gathering tomorrow. Tonight is to be 28 degrees with tomorrow's high at 54 degrees under a full sun - should be an excellent run with lots of syrup - hope I can keep up. I think this will be a better than average year for me, but we will see in the end what it turns out to be.
01-27-2008, 09:47 PM
Andrew- Good luck tomarrow, sounds like it should run like crazy. Your temps are getting me excited big time. Im figuring on tapping the weekend of the 15th. Keep up the good work and make tons of syrup. Theron
andrew martin
01-29-2008, 02:18 PM
HOLY COW!!! My buckets runneth over, update later after I am done boiling and it stops raining.
01-29-2008, 08:41 PM
I posted to Andrew on another string but I had this one pegged. He had the rain and the trees made the sap and lots of it!
Remember some of the worst days to be outside are the best days for sugar maples to produce. Frost, water and mud usually make good syrup conditions in our neck of the woods.
01-30-2008, 08:06 AM
that is so true often those days is when we get stuck on the way back to the evaporator with a load of sap
andrew martin
01-31-2008, 12:24 AM
I boiled on Monday night and made 9.75 gallons.
Boiled tonight and made 9.0 gallons.
On Monday, we started out at 20 degrees, and by noon, it was 42 degrees, and it was 46 degrees just about all day yesterday, so all the taps ran through the night MOnday and all day Tuesday, then we had a hard freeze last night, getting down to 17 degrees. After all the rain we had, I am glad it was a hard freeze because all the mud stiffened up and we could drive on it.
Collected about 500 gallons of sap today and made 9 gallons of medium tonight. STill have a trailer load of sap to boil about 250 gallons, maybe do that on Saturday.
Brandon, thanks for the advice on spacing my taps - looks like we cauight this first big run perfectly. Sugar content today was 2.7%.
Added 22 more taps on Monday, I believe last count on taps is 375 +/-.
01-31-2008, 05:56 AM
That is excellant! Keep us posted,,,what was your average sugar content last year?
Dave Y
01-31-2008, 06:08 AM
looks like thing are going along quite well. you have made 1/4 of a normal crop so far looks like it could be a very good year for you!
andrew martin
01-31-2008, 08:47 AM
WEather forecast is looking descent, lots of rain predicted, but also a good mix of cold weather and warmer days.
Parker, I do not have that info from last year, my oldest son broke my sap hydrometer a week before season, and I never got a new one until this year. I am pleased with our sugar content so far, given we had a very dry summer.
One of my clients is a science teacher, and she wants to bring her class for a field trip. I can use all the help I can with these buckets. On a personal note, it's a shame we are losing touch with how our food is produced and made. I am not a "green" person, though I am becoming more aware of these things.
We found out yesterday we are having another boy, though my wife still wants a girl. Looks like I will have plenty of sap haulers and a construction crew in the making.
01-31-2008, 08:28 PM
Congratulations on the new addition to the family!
You off to a great start on the syrup season. 9 gallons a day is awsome. 375 taps will keep you hopping!
andrew martin
02-03-2008, 12:31 AM
Another great day in Central KY. All I can say is KY=BS (BIG SAP - to use Theron's wording). 24 degrees this morning, and all day was sunny, reaching 50 degrees. Needless to say, I am skipping church tomorrow and collecting all morning, then I will have 4 persons to help me in the afternoon. Made 8.5 gallons of medium this evening.
It's nice finally having a sugarhouse, people stop by and chat and stay for a while. It's nice having company for an hour or so in the evening, and it's a great chance to get to know folks a little better.
02-03-2008, 08:06 AM
And most of all, it's nice seeing you get so much sap and having such a great year. I hope God don't burn down your sugarhouse today you naughty boy! LOL!
02-03-2008, 06:10 PM
Andrew- Nice job on the big sap. Do you know how much syrup youve made so far? Im thinking about tapping next weekend instead of the 16th but still not sure. Im going to look at the weather then. Theron
andrew martin
02-03-2008, 11:38 PM
collected 450 gallons of sap today, with at least 150 gallons still left in the sugarbush - guess I need more storage. Sugar content at 2.4% Everything is full. Made 8.5 gallons of medium, and I am too tired to stay up any longer.
Since last Monday, I have made 35.75 gallons, and 39.75 gallons total. I did four boils this week, and I am going to get some rest and boil all day tomorrow so I can wrap this up before the warm weather sets in.
02-04-2008, 06:48 AM
andrew is that how much your tree's produce in one day with 350 tapsor is it 2 or 3
02-04-2008, 06:52 AM
12:30 is early, you need to get into high gear. Forget about work and sleep and family life, you need to get that sap boiled up. More is on the way. You need to post you are quitting at 6:45am so you can go take a shower and get to work on time. Then you gave it your all. Don't let us down. We need you to be the king of maple in KY.
That sugar content is great, sure makes things happen alot quicker.
andrew martin
02-04-2008, 07:49 AM
We are getting a lot of sap, and I have never had this much sap on buckets before.
Matt-thanks for the encouragement. I guess I need to get an RO to cut my boiling times down, especially if I am going to add another 100 taps next year.
02-04-2008, 07:58 AM
What is the boil rate on your 3x8?
andrew martin
02-04-2008, 08:29 AM
I think I am only getting about 50 gph, which seems very low. I was hoping to do 65 gph or better. I do not have a blower or any other evaporator accessory (EA).
02-04-2008, 11:49 AM
Ohhhh I was wondering because I am shooting for 400 + taps this season on a 2 1/2 x 8 w/ prehaeter and blower and it looked like you are putting in a lot of boil time. Last season I averaged 76 gph overall and had 1 day over 100 gph so I think I will still be ok at 400 taps.
02-05-2008, 04:16 AM
Andrew- Your doing a heck of a job. Your allready half way to your quart a tap or am I thinking right? If my taps run like that theres no way I could of kept up with 1200 on vac with my evap. You are gitting the BIGSAP. You are at serious producer status now my friend with yeilds like that. Theeeron
Dave Y
02-06-2008, 06:00 AM
Max out your evaporator before you spend thousands on an RO! with a perheater hoods and a blower and possibly an air tight front you would do much better. I had an old 2 1/2 x 10 and it had old pans short flues poor grates and I got 50gph out of it. enhance your rig first then the RO. then you can handle 2000 taps.
02-06-2008, 08:16 AM
Andrew- hope you and yours faired okay in the storms yesterday/last night...sounds like Tennesee got hammered...
best wishes...
Russell Lampron
02-06-2008, 11:00 AM
Any forward thinking maple producer has to include an RO machine into their plans. The energy savings alone will pay for it in a very short time. It is important to make all of the little changes that will make your evaporator more efficient. When it comes to big ticket items like a steamaway it is better to spend a little more money and buy an RO.
With an RO if you concentrate to 8% you will remove 3/4 of the water before it gets to the evaporator. That also means that you will use 3/4 less fuel in your evaporator. My RO uses less electricity and filters etc in a season than what a cord of wood sells for.
andrew martin
02-06-2008, 11:36 AM
WE are all OK here, slept straight through the tornado sirens. My mom had four persons killed in her town near Hardy, AR. She is OK and the house is OK. Made 5.5 gallons on MOnday and boiling off another 600 gallons of sap today. Up to 45 gallons of syrup as of today. More later, need to stoke the fire.
andrew martin
02-06-2008, 09:21 PM
Still boiling - 10:00 pm - and we are making Grade A Dark. THe weather was exceptionally warm the last three days, up in the mid-60's. I am hoping to get one more week of sugaring.Then I will pull the taps.
Last week was a busy week and this week has been muddy and not much fun. PLus, I have clients asking me when I am starting their remodel projects.
I think for next year I want to switch to tubing on at least half my taps. THat will save me three hours of collection time, and will give me three more hours to boil. In addition, I want to purchase a blower for my evap, which will increase my boiling rate and save some firewood. I might try to perfect these things before I expand any more, and take whatever money I make this year and re-invest it back into the syrup business. I have several sugarghouse improvemets to make, but those can wait til spring.
andrew martin
02-08-2008, 10:49 PM
The weather was favorable last night - about 30 degrees, so we had a small run today. Brought firewood from the farm to the house today. Will collect tomorrow morning and boil in the afternoon. Bottled up another four gallons today (52.5 gallons for the year). Sugar content is still holding well after the warm spell, 2.4% WE are already selling a lot of syrup, sold two quarts today to the cashiers at Lowes. I always carry several pints and quarts in my truck, I just never know who will want to buy some, and the people who say, "I will stop by." never do. I sold a 1/2 gallon last week to a lady when I went to give her a roofing estimate, thankfully I had it in the truck.
Hope to get in a few more boils while the weather is fair, and we'll just see how long we can stretch this season.
03-05-2008, 05:31 AM
Andrew- What is the latest?
andrew martin
03-08-2008, 06:03 PM
I pulled my taps two weeks ago after we had five days of 50-60 degree weather. Today the high was 26 degrees and we have 5" of snow on the ground. THat's the way it goes sometimes. Seems like winter doesn't want to let go this year. We made 72.5 gallons this year and it was a very good year. I believe I could have easily made 100+ gallons if I had left my taps in two weeks longer and I did not run out of jugs. Next year I will have more jugs and four 5-gallon bulk containers. We are having our third boy in June, and I will either go to tubing on most of my bush or cut back on my buckets. I hope to have at least 300+ taps on tubing by 2010. I just can't find the time to do everything it seems, especially not with three small children at home. These are good times though. We are selling a lot of syrup here very quickly, and I imagine we will be sold out by JUne if all goes well. OUr FM opens the first week in May, and this is always a good draw for us, and we never turn anyone away who comes to our front door. The newspaper article was great advertising for us, and it certainly stokes people's curiosity, usually enough that they will purchase at least a pint and perhaps a quart.
Work has really picked up this year, and we are already booked until mid-JUly. I did not think the remodeling business would be this busy this year, but such an influx is OK by me. Part of the reason I "quit" early this year was because of work, yet on a good sap day, I make more $$ doing syrup than remodeling work. Guess I'm not charging enough for my labor.
Blessings to all,
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