View Full Version : What size RO to buy/build?

04-02-2021, 06:19 AM
We've been tossing the idea of an RO around a bit. We get roughly an average of 800 - 1000 gallons of sap per day. I know there are many brands and ideas out there. My brothers are retired, so they are at the shack most of the time. They could run RO in morning, afternoon, all day, so many questions. What to do?

Russell Lampron
04-02-2021, 06:43 AM
My recommendation is that you get a LaPierre or CDL professional model 250 RO. They are the only RO's that have recirculation pumps on the bottom of the membrane towers. Because of that feature they flow at higher concentration levels for longer periods of time without fouling or slowing down. When they do foul they clean up easier too. All of the other RO's are water RO's with maple membranes. They work but aren't as efficient as an RO that was designed for maple. If you think that you will be expanding you should get the 600. For your size operation I don't recommend building an RO.

04-02-2021, 07:58 PM
At 1000 gallons a 600RO would work. I'm not sure the GPH on your evaporator but a 600RO will bring roughly 1.5% to 8% at 2 GPM (120GPH). You may wait for a 250RO to have enough to start which may be ok in your situation. If you have extra permeate storage you can save some on big days for short runs. I would plan for 1200 permeate storage for a 600 RO.

04-02-2021, 08:15 PM
Do you see yourself getting bigger? If not, a 250 would probably make you pretty happy. Especially a nice one like the lapierre or cdl. The memprotec is interesting also. If you think you might add 500-1000 more taps, or have people who would sell you sap, a 600 would be the obvious choice I think.