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View Full Version : Bought new grade labels

maple flats
04-01-2021, 09:34 AM
I'll lt you know how good they are when they arrive, but I ordered 5 rolls of grade labels from Swing Label at $3.95/roll. Great price, until the shipping is added. They have 2 things I didn't like. First they add $6 to every order and call it "rush" charge, I never requested a rush. Next they give you several options for shipping but don't let you know how much each will cost. When I got my copy of my paid invoice they had charged me $19.75 for the labels and $27.70 for shipping (the $6.00 rush + $21.70 shipping).
My advice to anyone buying from them, order at least $50 in labels (go in with others if that's too many for you) and get free shipping. I'll bet then it would still have that $6.00 fee. As soon as I got the invoice in my email, I called, trying to increase my order to 13 rolls for free shipping, but it had already been shipped.
My order was just 5 rolls, the amount they charged for shipping would have covered a large flat rate USPS box. I don't like companies who make more on shipping than on the product you ordered. Yes, I understand there is labor involved to pack it, but I just feel such costs should be in that $6.00 fee if not in the product cost.
I reminds me of book orders my wife used to get, $.50 or $.25 for the book, and $4.95 or even $6.95 for shipping

04-01-2021, 11:44 AM
Very nice. I just wish someone could make grading labels that actually stick to a jug. There has to be a proper adhesive out there.

maple flats
04-01-2021, 07:30 PM
I'll let you know how these stick. I actually use 2 brands of jugs, Sugarhill and the older D&G jugs. The stickers I had stick very well on the D&G, but come loose on the caps of Sugarhill. I like to label the caps but NY requires the grade label next to the main jug label saying "pure Maple Syrup" so I use 2 on each. stickers adhere well on both jugs, just not on the Sugarhill caps. The difference seems to be a course texture on ther sugarhill caps while the D&G are smooth gloss.
That may change however, I was told by my D&G dealer that those jugs are no longer available, the manufacturer went out of business. I then bought about 2-3 years worth of those jugs. The only Sugarhill jugs I use are 1/2 gal, because 2 fit in a medium flat rate USPS box, while 2 D&G don't, they are too tall.
As I said, when these arrive I'll post how they are for sticking and for appearance. I bought the NYS version, but they had Vermont and I think NH and ME, and all state. I like the price, my only issue now is their shipping charge. I told them, if I order from them again, I'll buy their $50 minimum for free shipping. If their website had given the shipping cost on the website I'd have ordered 13 rolls which would qualify for free shipping. I'd then sell some to some other local producers because the adhesive would not last long enough for me to use up 6500 labels. A roll of amber and 1 of dark usually last me almost a year, as sales keep increasing I'll soon use over 1 roll each, but won't be 6 or 7 rolls a year anytime soon.

maple flats
04-02-2021, 07:35 PM
I promised to give my thoughts on the new grade labels when they arrived. I ordered them on 3/31/21 online. They were shipped 4/1/21 and I received them today 4/2/21. My initial observation is that they are smaller diameter than my previous labels. The old ones were 1" diameter, the new ones are 7/8" diameter. Even though it's only 1/8" smaller, it looks much smaller. For quality, aside from the smaller diameter (which the website did specify they are 7/8") They look to be very good quality. I placed one on the cap of a D&G jug, it stuck very well, I also stuck one on a cap of a Sugarhill jug (which has been difficult to get the previous stickers to adhere, this one at least initially was adhered very well. I could not peel it off with my finger nail.
My assessment is that these look to be top quality grade labels albeit 1/8" smaller in diameter. They look to be the same as my previous labels in print quality, and finish, they have a lacquered finish. I also think they may have a stronger adhesive. They were so far tested on room temperature jugs. I normally do all labeling soon after bottling, while still quite warm. The next time I pack more, I'll see how those stick. It may be a while, I just packed a whole barrel worth of both Dark and Amber. I have no Golden nor Very Dark. My next grade labeling will most likely be more Dark, that sells much faster here, maybe in late May or June.
The big reason I bought them, was the price and if you order enough ($50) to get free shipping I think they are a winner. Once I've used them for 2-3 months, I'll try to remember to update my thoughts on the labels. The labels were $3.95/500 on a roll, as long as you don't get bitten by the shipping. They paid $7.95 but charged me $27.70 (including their $6.00 std fee on all orders) Unfortunately I only ordered 5 rolls, next time I'll order 13 rolls and get free shipping. I do at this time like their labels.
By the way, they were mailed from Jaffrey, NH 03452 in a large flat rate envelope, and each roll was wrapped in white paper stock of medium weight and arrived in perfect condition by USPS.

04-09-2021, 06:38 AM
You must first establish a reputation for being a respected expert in your field. People trust authoritative figures, especially those with experience, so it is important that you take the time and effort necessary to build up your reputation.
What are you talking about?

maple flats
04-09-2021, 08:48 AM
You must first establish a reputation for being a respected expert in your field. People trust authoritative figures, especially those with experience, so it is important that you take the time and effort necessary to build up your reputation.
Sorry linapal, if I offended you. I thought 20 years using grade labels was enough. to comment on grade labels.
By the way, I do like those labels, they stick well. The reason I ordered from them is because they make a label without the leaf actually cut out. In the past, I had issues using the type many seem to offer now are cut to look like a leaf and those always seemed to peel loose. These are still round, albeit smaller by 1/8" than most but they can be read easily and most importantly to me, they stay stuck on. Those others always seemed to peel at the tips of the cut outs.

04-09-2021, 09:25 AM
Sorry linapal, if I offended you. I thought 20 years using grade labels was enough. to comment on grade labels.
By the way, I do like those labels, they stick well. The reason I ordered from them is because they make a label without the leaf actually cut out. In the past, I had issues using the type many seem to offer now are cut to look like a leaf and those always seemed to peel loose. These are still round, albeit smaller by 1/8" than most but they can be read easily and most importantly to me, they stay stuck on. Those others always seemed to peel at the tips of the cut outs.

linapale is a spambot. Just joined mapletrader. Look at its other thread, containing equally irrelevant gibberish and a link to a website probably filled with malware (I didn't click on the link obviously)
