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View Full Version : 55 gallon drum hood

03-29-2021, 08:13 PM
Has anyone seen a hood made from a 55 gallon drum? Stainless drum split lengthwise? Thoughts?

maple flats
03-30-2021, 02:01 PM
I have a 40 gal split lengthwise if you are interested. I made a 1/2 barrel to mount a releaser in to then dump into a vacuum tank to convert it to non vacuum. That and the vacuum tank were sold but I have the other half. You can have it for $50, pick up only.
That being said, you can likely do just as well by making an aluminum hood. Over the years I made 3 aluminum hoods, the only SS one is the one I just sold with my evaporator. I bought it as a dented demo hood, but I can't find the dent.

Aaron Stack
03-30-2021, 02:56 PM
I have an old hot dog cart that I keep eyeing thinking it will make a nice hood one of these days. Haven't used it in 24 years and the trailer is rusted to all heck. But the stainless is still purdy.