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03-20-2021, 04:49 PM
hi there, any recormendations on a vac.the old dairy pump finally quit, , was hoping it would last the season.
ove got just under 1000 taps in my new woods with no chance for additional taps in these woods
looking for affordable, and reliable that i can justify for my investment, i used a g2 guzzler that didnt work any better than gravity, waste of 1400.00 bucks in my opinion, pros or cons on the oil cooled, its a remote sugarhouse but dohave a generator, so may gonsider a gas unit if anyone has input
thanks in advance for the suggestions

maple flats
03-21-2021, 10:41 AM
Do you still have that Guzzler? If yes, to get good results from it, make a recirculating loop, either from the tank it's feeding, but only if close, or from soon after the pump. Tap the line, and go back to just before the g2 Guzzler. In that line, either a 3/16 or a 5/16 put a valve. A needle valve is best but any valve can work. Then in use, adjust that valve so a small amount of sap recirculates. That will keep the diaphragm wet. Those pumps can run dry, but produce far better if kept wet.
If you no longer have it, I do have an Alamo 30 listed in the classifieds, but timing may not be with you. Not sure where you are in Vermont, but I'm half way between Utica and Syracuse. I ran that pump on 800 taps, off a 6.5hp Honda. I've opened the drippers so they do well. I only ran it at 19" by using vacuum controllers because it was connected to a vacuum tank. The vacuum tank was only rated for 20" so I didn't go higher.
Mountainvan uses the same pumps on releasers at 22"-24" vacuum. The secret is in the oil, they must get enough oil recirculation. I ran the pump using a 4.5 gal fuel tank. At 19" it ran about 16-17 hrs on a full tank. At that location I later switched to a 9 hp Honda, powering an Alamo 100. To my surprise that actually ran using less gas at the same 19" (vacuum tank still).

03-24-2021, 06:43 AM
thank you for your input!

03-24-2021, 08:00 AM
Give a call to Mandy/Clayton at MES. I can't say enough about the Atlas Copco pump I got from them. Their support has been nothing less than outstanding in every facet of our operation.