View Full Version : watch out for beginner sites that don't give good information

maple flats
03-20-2021, 10:21 AM
I will not name the site out of respect for what they do, but I was invited to leave a maple site designed for beginners because I refused to dumb down my answers.
I made a promise to myself back when I first moved from total backyard amateur into a small time producer and I totally appreciated the fact that regardless of how big a producer was, they were sharing their knowledge with me so I could hopefully not make the mistakes they had gone thru. I still do my best to help all beginners, and a few not so new producers. If I ever talk over your head, don't be afraid to ask for better, easier explanations. I always have been told I am able to explain things in easy to understand ways, if I fail that, let me know. I am never trying to confuse an answer.
I like to think The Maple Trader is a perfect platform for producers of all skill levels, from first year beginners to those who are multi generational producers. We share ideas and issues freely regardless of each members experience, that is why I do this.
I will also post this in The Sugar Inn.

03-20-2021, 07:39 PM
Dave, you've been an incredible help to me and I've always found your explanations clear. Their loss.

03-20-2021, 07:49 PM
To bad they didn't let you stay. You have so much knowledge to share. Everyone on here appreciates it.

03-21-2021, 10:08 AM
Finding this site was a game changer as I was gearing up for my first season this January. The amount of bad advice posted elsewhere that was soundly refuted here is simply astonishing. Thank you (as well as all the other experienced posters) for the time you commit to helping newbies on this forum. I hope you continue to contribute here well into your retirement from maple production.

03-25-2021, 09:54 AM
There's another site? :lol:

03-25-2021, 11:32 AM
The Maple Trader is a perfect platform for producers of all skill levels, from first year beginners to those who are multi generational producers. We share ideas and issues freely regardless of each members experience, that is why I do this.
I will also post this in The Sugar Inn.
I agree 110%,.... and very much appreciate all the hours of knowledge, experience and advice that you share with us newbies, Maple Flats. Thank You

03-25-2021, 01:49 PM
There's another site? :lol:

LOL This was exactly what I thought

04-02-2021, 08:20 AM
I’ve been studying all winter to prepare for my first time at collecting and boiling sap. Read too many blogs and websites to count, but I always came back to this site for the best source of knowledge. Every question I had had already been asked and answered on this site - in fact this is my first post! I even build my first evaporator out of an old filing cabinet and some steam table pans using pointers that I gleamed from this site. I got nothing but good information off this site. Thanks to everyone who contributed to this site and who answered questions for all the beginners that came before me.

First timer
20 taps - mostly in mature sugar maples
Filing cabinet evaporator
Buckets and snowshoes
Central Ontario Canada

04-02-2021, 07:15 PM
Welcome and hope you have/had a good year. Best of all have lots of fun doing it. Bet you become addicted like the rest of us!!!