View Full Version : The last 1” of 16x16 canning unit ??

03-19-2021, 09:14 PM
So we have been makings batches of 5-6 gallons per day and trying to bottle them in our 16x16 canner same day. We have found that the thermometer is out of the syrup once it hits 1” and the temp dial will drop below 180 even though the syrup temp is most likely still in canning temp range. How should we deal with that last 1” of syrup which is close to one gallon of product? Should I just tip canner and hope that it’s still at correct temperature? There has to be a better way....
I have been saving the last inch each time and adding it to next batch but didn’t know if there was a better solution ?

03-20-2021, 05:37 AM
When you get to 1" the thermometer probe is no longer in the syrup and will not read syrup temp. It doesn't mean that the syrup is no longer warm enough to bottle.

Bruce L
03-20-2021, 06:11 AM
What type of canning unit do you have? Your syrup will be fine for the last inch. Our CDL unit has the thermometer go straight in,so won’t read until there’s 15-16 gallons of syrup in the tank,and won’t drain the last inch of syrup as the draw off is 1” off the bottom,must’ve been a Friday night special,looking to get a Smoky Lake when the border reopens

03-20-2021, 06:19 AM
Bottling that last bit is always a gamble when guessing the temperature, it could mold or cook further and crystalize after bottling. If the burner is still on then I'd imagine the temperature actually rises as the syrup level gets lower. Is this a steam canner ? I have always just tipped the last bit out and saved it for our personal use, though a gallon every time you bottle a batch may be too much for you to save for yourself after a few.
For this reason i have wanted to make a miniature canner that's tall and narrow to allow smaller batches or for bottling the leftover with a more accurate temperature reading. I think adding it to the next batch may be your easiest solution besides shimming the pan in the rear to help with draining and to keep the thermometer in the syrup longer.

Russell Lampron
03-20-2021, 06:20 AM
When I get close to the last inch I reheat the syrup to 190 and then tip the canner up to get all of the syrup out. The syrup is still hot enough at that point to finish and not worry about it. I've been doing it that way for 20 years and have never had a problem.

03-20-2021, 06:28 AM
We don't typically run it all out but instead leave that inch or more in the canner and then refill in the next boil. The canner is covered during and between boils. We're also filling barrels so canning ends after 3 or 4 production boils. We'll set the canner up again for weekend boils when we have visitors.

03-20-2021, 07:14 AM
Tip the canner, probe will be back in syrup temp will come up, can the syrup.

maple flats
03-20-2021, 10:03 AM
Back when I was using a canner that only had bottom heat, I also watched the level, and heated it to 188-190, shut the flame off and tipped the unit, then I bottled until done, but no real small bottles, usually did qts.
Now with a water jacketed bottler I know, if the syrup temp stayed at a good temp while the thermometer probe was in the syrup, it's still right when the level is below the probe. I now generally start with half gal, then qts, then pints, and I finish with half pints (the smallest side I do). I know how much is left as the thermometer starts to drop because the probe is out of the syrup, the way I have mine set (back sets on a 3/4" thick board, to drain even better, even though the bottom is built with a slight slope). I still have between 7-8 qts, I then decide how many I want in pints and how many should be half pints. I usually finish with a partial half pint, I either take that home or if full enough I give it to one of the grandkids.

03-20-2021, 12:53 PM
With my Smokey Lake steam canner I continue bottling after the probe is out of the syrup. Nothing has changed, steam still hitting bottom of pan, lid still on. I used to tip it, but then I started noticing condensation running off the lid back into the syrup which I know had to change density of that last little bit. Never had complaints, but I stopped with this practice. Now I bottle until the flow slows too much, then pour the remaining quart or two back into the syrup pan of evaporator.

03-20-2021, 09:59 PM
Thank you guys for all the great tips !! Definitely going to try and bottle the majority of it next time and holdover the last pint or so that comes off for the following batch instead of the gallon we had been doing.