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View Full Version : Sugar house interior lighting

Maple River Sugar
03-19-2021, 07:02 AM
With this summers sugar house improvements I wanted to get input on what type of lighting would be the best.

The sugar house is roughly 12' X 22' with a 10' ceiling which is steel. My evaporator will have a hood so steam "should" be at a minimum and I would like to stick with led. Currently my barn has a led canopy style light which are weather proof, similar to ones found in a canopy over gas pumps at a station.


Wolfcreek Maple
03-19-2021, 10:07 AM
We use the deformable led lights they work well plus you can deform them to put light where you want. We have minimal steam in our shack so it causes no problems for the lights.

maple flats
03-19-2021, 10:21 AM
Mine are in a shielded enclosure like these https://www.farmtek.com/farm/supplies/ProductDisplay?mfPartNumber=108256
But when I bought them about 15 yrs ago, they cost $61 ea. They still perform well. In my 16x24 sugarhouse I have 2 on each side of the evaporator and one across each end.

03-19-2021, 06:18 PM
LED strip lighting fixtures. They put out great light, efficient, inexpensive.

Don't do anything with glass bulbs or covers.

Ed R
03-19-2021, 07:18 PM
If are you thinking about being a licenced Michigan facility in the future your inspector will want all your lighting inside a shielded enclosure. Our inspector gave us a year to update our fixtures about 10 yrs ago.

03-19-2021, 07:52 PM
I have mine in the shielded waterproof covers. I also have two strings of LED lights hooked up with the AUF switch. when the blower is on so are the lights, helps to remind me to turn it off when adding wood and not get a face full of ash.

03-19-2021, 09:04 PM
If are you thinking about being a licenced Michigan facility in the future your inspector will want all your lighting inside a shielded enclosure. Our inspector gave us a year to update our fixtures about 10 yrs ago.

I assume shielded to prevent glass breakage over food product. That's why I mentioned no glass. I assume no shielding is required for LED strip light fixture s with plastic cover.

Ed R
03-20-2021, 05:18 AM
TapTapTap , You are correct. Glass breakage was his main concern, along with having an exposed surface that is easy to clean. I believe the LED strip lighting with plastic covers would be ok. We didn't specifically ask about them at the time. We went with fixtures similar to what maple flats referenced and shields over all single incandescent/LED lights including the one outside the overhead door.

03-22-2021, 08:41 PM
I installed this vapor tight led right inside my hood. So far it actually works.
If it works under the hood it will work any place.