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View Full Version : So Far, So Good on my new Auto Defoamer

03-14-2021, 07:23 AM
Three boils now with the new LaPierre Auto-Defoamer. I like the way it takes care of the flue pan. We're now organic so we're using Trans-O 580 and I was concerned about the effort to manage defoaming with the less effective product (compared to Atmos). We're also wood-fired which makes the heat more variable than oil-fired rigs. I like how the regular interval dosage is variable (I'm set at 30%) and the sensitivity too (I'm running at 44%). I don't have a hood and I quickly learned that hanging the pump/controller off the pan isn't a good idea because of splash. Also, because of no hood, I needed to fabricate a SS bracket to hold the probe. It looks like we're giving the rig and IV. The device probably has some medical technology in it.

I also purchased a piece of SS expanded metal to serve as a screen for over the dividers on the syrup pan as recommended by Dr. Tim. The openings are 3/4" wide but it works great. Buildup of foam occurs less frequently and more gradually because of the screen which allows a little more time for a drop of the defoamer to settle things back down.



03-15-2021, 07:57 AM
We love our Lapierre Auto-Defoamer. Glad you liked the screen too.

03-16-2021, 02:03 PM
Could you explain the screen on the syrup pan for foaming issues please?

03-16-2021, 03:25 PM
Stainless steel wire cloth, mesh of 1/4" or so, cut to fit inside the evaporator (doesn't need to be a particularly tight fit...loose works just as well), especially over the last half of the front (syrup) pan. Laid across the top of the partitions. If foam rises up it will hit the screen and break it up. Doesn't totally stop the foam, but helps to disperse it quite nicely and simply and cheaply with no extra addition of defoamers.

Remember...you heard it here first folks. Sometimes the simple solutions are the best.


03-16-2021, 06:22 PM
Interesting project...


03-17-2021, 08:18 AM
Interesting project...


That would give you half of the equation in that it would dose defoamer at regular intervals.

The second part of the maple auto-defoamers is a sensing probe. If foam is detected, it will inject defoamer until the foam level drops.

03-17-2021, 05:37 PM
Thanks Dr. Perkins

maple marc
03-18-2021, 05:17 PM
I just tried out a simple "auto-defoamer" for the first time: powered defoamer in a small cup suspended a couple of inches above the water line. When the foam hits the top of the cup the foam immediately settles down. I've always used Atmos during each firing, added to the flue pan near the float box. It wasn't cutting it this year, thus the powder trial. I asked the supplier where I should hang the cup. He told me to hang it 6" upstream from the draw valve. Hmmmm......seems in opposition to common thinking. He replied that everyone is doing it wrong. So I took his advice and it seemed to work well. I think I probably used much less defoamer than before.

Amber Gold
03-19-2021, 10:48 AM
Dr. Tim, the s/s wire mesh is brilliant! What a simple solution. Are you using a #5 wire mesh? I think it's about the size you recommended and what I found on the interweb. Will it help foaming in the flue pan as well? See paragraph below.

Also, whenever I fire the evap, foaming is an issue. I have to immediately add defoamer to knock the foam down, and I think I can be fairly good at consistently adding defoamer to the flue pan. Once the foam is knocked down, it's fine the rest of the firing...same issue happens in the syrup pan, just to a lesser degree. This has always been a headache...not so bad early season, but big issue later season. After this season, my equipment purchase was going to be an autodefoamer. Figure it takes me out of the mix, and if it foams up, at least it'll dose it to knock it down. Will the autodefoamer help/eliminate this issue? Do you think I'll use less defoamer?

03-19-2021, 11:37 AM
We've not tried it in the flue pan. We have far less foaming issues there (most of the time, with a few spectacular exceptions when we first started boiling high concentrate). #5 sounds about right. Anything from 1/4" to 1/2" or even larger is probably fine. Just make sure it is SS (NOT GALVANIZED).

Where is it foaming after you fire? Front or back pan? Regardless, some folks I know will fire the arch, then add a touch of defoamer afterward each time.

Amber Gold
03-22-2021, 08:41 AM
Is there a cost effective source for the wire mesh? I'm trying to at least get a piece large enough for my 30x36 syrup pan, which I'm having a hard time finding, and I would try it on my 36x5.5 flue pan too. The

Every fire, I have to immediately add defoamer to the flue pan, or it'll foam over and most of the time, I need to add it to the syrup pan as well. My guess is it's the heat intensity from the new wood?? Once things settle down, I regularly add defoamer until the next fire and no issues. Add wood, and restart process. Two issues, if I don't immediately dose after firing, foam's everywhere, and second issue is too much defoamer (I think) is being used. I get a heavy residual on the walls of the flue pan.

03-22-2021, 08:57 AM
No idea. We sourced ours from McMaster, which frequently is not the most cost-effective place, but it is always available quickly.

You needn't use one piece. Get a couple of smaller pieces if necessary.