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03-13-2021, 03:19 PM
I used 1part bleach to 20 parts water to clean my cone filter and after running my syrup through, I can taste the bleach in my syrup, is there any way I can get the taste out of my syrup.

03-13-2021, 03:38 PM

03-13-2021, 04:03 PM
You can try prolonged soaking of the filter in hot water. Theoretically bleach will break down into salt and water eventually. I'd be tempted to throw out the filter and get a new one. As far as the syrop already filtered you could try bringing it back to a boil. If the bleach taste is gone, refilter through a new filter and carry on. If not its scrap.

03-13-2021, 04:08 PM
Bleach is a disinfectant. There's nothing to disinfect with the filters. Water is all that's needed.

maple flats
03-13-2021, 05:46 PM
Never clean it with anything except clean potable water. You might never get the bleach residue out. Toss it, hopefully lesson learned.

Bruce L
03-13-2021, 05:59 PM
Toss the syrup and learn from your mistakes. If you boil it and try it through a new filter you could very well ruin the new filter as well

03-13-2021, 07:01 PM
Should also point out that the filters are felt and need to be treated as such. So in addition to no bleach or detergent, make sure you dont try and wring the water out of them. This destroys the felt matting. Gently squeeze out excess water and then hang up to drip dry.
To extend their life I line with a few layers of Orlon filters. As they clog up I remove and the next orlon layer starts filtering. The Orlon keep a lot of the nitre off the felt and makes it easier to wash. The orlon is also really easy to wash off and reuse. Can only reuse them maybe half a dozen times but they're not that expensive .