View Full Version : 2021 Season Begins

Eric Holm
03-12-2021, 08:46 PM
Tapped 275 Sugar Maples on 3/4. Gathered 155 gallons of sap on 3/9. The sap run has really yet to begin in central Mn. Boiled material on 3-10 which yielded 55 8oz bottles of syrup. Fun little warm up for running the new Evaporator I built this winter. I designed a two pass fire tube Evaporator with efficiency in mind and it did not disappoint. 5 wheelbarrow loads of black spruce fire wood to produce almost 4 gallons of syrup. The fun of sapping is the endless possibilities for producing that gold!!Happy Sugaring Everyone!!

03-15-2021, 05:42 AM
Amazing efficiency. Nice job!